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Everything posted by enwick

  1. Welcome to Comedy Bang Bang
  2. And the dolphin doctor turned to the new dolphin parents and said, "Congratulations. It's a dolphin."
  4. Sometimes you gotta hang up your saxophone and let the dad's take you to flavortown.
  5. You know what they say, if you fall off your horse, stand back up, put that horse to sleep, and tickle it's insides
  6. Give a man a fish, shame on you. Teach a man to fish? Shame on me.
  7. You know what they say, if you say horse corpse three times fast, your girlfriend's parents will look at you differently.
  8. there is no velcro strong enough to save you from your sins.
  9. you either believe it or you don't. ripley didn't and i turned him into a wax doll.
  10. try all you want, all that cocoa butter won't heal your internal agonies, but heck, it does wonders for stretch mark prevention.
  11. give a man a fish, he will eat for a day. give a man a man, he will have a taste for blood he will never forget.