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Everything posted by SteveH

  1. Scott Anchorman One of the Main Guys at EARWOLF EARWOLF Podcast Network Los Angeles, CA Dear Mr. Anchorman, Can we get some fucking T-shirts man? Sincerely, SteveH Please find enclosed thousands of signatures from dedicated handbook heads who need t-shirts
  2. I just want to get ahead of this - I don't want to appear on any of your podcasts. I might consider Hollywood handbook, but there would still be a number of factors I'd need to consider first.
  3. 11.4. See you guys next week!
  4. Clear eyes or full hearts? I can't choose!
  5. Smith and jones forever. I'm cool too guys
  6. SteveH

    Who is your HH dream guest?

    ...oh greggy... I fee like if I paste the link here, I'd be essentially killing you..so it's your call. I'll just say this - if you're wondering what the best kind of small dog is, be VERY careful not to make any typos when typing "lapdog best' into the search bar. you'll get that one on the way home.
  7. Watching this LĂ  Podfest episode is very exciting. I've never had the chance to see Sean and Hayes do an episode with both my ears and my eyes. They maintain pretty intense eye contact throughout the ep. Take note millenials. Always looking down at your iphones. All your fancy apps are no substitute for good eye contact and a strong handshake. p.s. this is my new persona on the forum - grumpy old dad
  8. SteveH

    EPISODE 378 — Mailer Daemon

    KajusX - are you trying to get a job with the AV Club doing comedy bang bang re-cap articles? Just remember to assign the episode a grade, and don't forget the 'stray observations'
  9. How about Hayes being 0-3? This must be so embarrassing for him.
  10. Now it's 9 am on the east coast. I listened to the ep on my way to work, like a respectable person, listening to podcasts at an acceptable hour. Very good 'back to basics' ep. First real popcorn gallery in a long time. I hope they have Mark on some kind of holding deal, otherwise I'm concerned about how he's going to get by on only a pushing dumpsters into each other salary. I especially liked the last popcorn gallery question. Good Day.
  11. Guys - it's not even 7 AM on the east coast. How can there already be 3 pages of posts? You crazy kids are staying up all hours of the night, carousing and doing god knows what. You should all be in bed by 11 and up by 6 like me. Listen to ol' SteveH. You might even learn something.
  12. Why is this forum like this? I feel like some sociologist should be writing a paper on this.
  13. Aaron Rodgers is pretty good at being quarterback!
  14. I haven't formed an opinion yet
  15. Cool it wiki master. I said Dough Boys. Dough BOYS. dough boys vs. THE boys Vs. gargoyle boyz
  16. I just started listening to Doughboys today. started with gabrus ep. I like it. I also like Hollywood Handbook (i feel like I led everyone down a path of talking about other podcasts on this forum so I want to make it up to Sean and Hayes by giving them a plug on the forum for their own show). the doughboys would make good guests on HH.
  17. SteveH

    EPISODE 378 — Mailer Daemon

    does this mean that Chupacabra's baby friend grew up to be dr. conrad murray?
  18. this reminds me of 'hard rains gonna fall' by robert zimmerman, which proves my theory that he's a time traveler who traveled through a wormhole in the space time continuum from 1963, ended up in 2015, discovered hollywood handbook, joined the forums, read this post by greggy, went back to 1963, wrote hard rain and released it on his sophomore album, The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan. (freewheelin was slang for time travel in the 60s) All that's left is to determine who among us is time traveling bob dylan
  19. SteveH

    EPISODE 378 — Mailer Daemon

    great ep. my one complaint is that Scott didn't make any offhand remarks about the Steve Renazzisisigjghgjhsdusdfud thing, followed by lots of uncomfortable laughter
  20. My bday was the 16th. Where's my video
  21. SteveH

    Favorite story end?

    what's the one with someone not using their best flows? Ja Rule? secondary flows...
  22. Top 5 Seasons... 5. Season 2 of the walking dead - get off that damn farm already guys 4. Winter - too cold 3. Summer - too humid 2. Spring -pretty nice , but i find it depressing for reasons I don't understand 1. Fall - the best
  23. you're good at typing sounds. It's like I can hear them with my eyes.
  24. a real squeaker happening between me and pork swords