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Everything posted by SteveH

  1. SteveH


    Hi Guys- I just saw this poster hanging up at a restaurant went I went out for lunch. Apparently this happened last weekend so I'm super pissed that I missed it. I love vape life and I would have really loved to see Scott Stapp of CREED give an "acoustical" performance amidst pillowy clouds of vapor. Maybe we can plan for a HH forum reunion to be held at the 2016 New Jersey Vape Expo. We've got a year to plan now. I hear some of the artists in talks to play the expo next year are singer from Our Lady Peace, the bassist from Vertical Horizon doing a solo acoustical set, and a studio musician that played keyboards on Puddle of Mudd's debut album. EDIT: this was meant for the HH forum and I posted it here like an idiot. However, it does serve as a good example of the zany stuff we're getting into over there.
  2. pretty underwhelming response so far guys. I have to say I'm disappointed, but not surprised. This forum is a microcosm of everything that's wrong with democracy. A bunch of apathetic white people in their 20s sitting around and complaining, but when it comes time to get out and vote or do anything that requires any sort of effort, they just sit around in some hip coffee shop drinking single origin coffee or nitro iced coffee or whatever and work on their blogs and practicing hashtags. Meanwhile, you've got these fat cats sitting up there on the top floor of the Earwolf offices churning out a new t-shirt pretty much any time someone misspeaks and accidentally makes a funny joke. They're taking advantage of you. If you look at the number of posts and active posters in the forums for the most popular (and profitable) podcasts on the network, you'll notice a major discrepancy between the billionaire CBB class and the working class Hollywood Handbook forum members. We're out there doing all the work. Posting too much. Creating threads for one episode that contain more posts than some shows entire sub-forum combined, discussing the actual show that we're fans of for usually the first 2 pages and then branching out into completely unrelated topics for 20+ more, writing songs, doing videos, writing fan fiction, drawing pictures, posting pictures of our pets, our Ds, what we had for dinner. What do we get in return for our hard work and dedication? A great podcast, sure, but where's the merch? Where are our T-shirts, mugs, keychains, hoodies, socks? Where is our hot sauce? I'll tell you where. It's inside of each and every one of you. All you have to do is stand up and make your voice heard. So get over to that forum and put your name on there and show your support. Let's show these big-wigs what a real movement looks like. update: EEEEE YAHHHH! paid for by the Foundation for Forum Freedom and approved by SteveH, candidate for Secretary of Forum Affairs http://forum.earwolf...dbook-t-shirts/
  3. Guys, don't make me look like a fool. Get on that t shirt petition forum and let your voice be heard. That means you Sean and Hayes. I'm the Bernie Sanders of these forums. The top podcast on this network has 93% of all t shirts while the bottom 13 have only 5%. How is that fair? #feelthebern
  4. A CALL TO ACTION forum.earwolf.com/topic/24379-petition-for-hollywood-handbook-t-shirts/ I'm using an iPad so I can't properly attach a link, but you guys can figure it out.
  5. are you thinking about that time he took a nap? because you like to nap and so does your dad?
  6. @elizamuffins - believe it or not, yes. My real name is Steve. Steve is actually short for Stephen.
  7. Another Massachusetts guy? I thought this was the Hollywood Handbook forum, but it's starting to seem more like the Massachusetts Memo Pad! (i made that hilarious joke last week, but I feel like it was worth repeating, especially if there's anyone who missed it the first time)
  8. I think Cody was confused about what website he was looking at. What he was describing sounded like a classic Cleveland Steamer to me, not a lifehack for watching phone while lying down.
  9. SteveH

    EPISODE 92 — Fans, Our Close Fans

    Tim, I missed it. Can I still ask you a question?
  10. SteveH

    EPISODE 363 — Wet Hot Crew

    You guys hear about this? Scott Aukerman: Hollywood move and shaker http://www.vulture.com/2015/07/talking-to-scott-aukerman-hero-of-sketch-comedy.html
  11. SteveH

    EPISODE 363 — Wet Hot Crew

    I won't fall into your trap
  12. SteveH

    EPISODE 363 — Wet Hot Crew

    good ep. Especially good game of WYR. It was fairly obvious that Molly Shannon had absolutely no awareness of CBB before she came on though.
  13. SteveH

    Hello I have a popcorn related question

    they're real and they're spectactular
  14. A turkey ate my grits and it didn't even kiss them first
  15. It can happen to you, all your dreams can come true. It's terrifying
  16. Arm rests are for people who don't like punching
  17. Ladies and Gentlemen, David Bowie!
  18. SteveH

    EPISODE 92 — Fans, Our Close Fans

    every one on this forum is my enemy. It wouldn't be fair to single one person out. If you'd like to discuss in more detail, you have my number. also @hotdogwhisperer - congratulations.
  19. SteveH

    Hello I have a popcorn related question

    Don't thread on me.
  20. SteveH

    EPISODE 92 — Fans, Our Close Fans

    'thread' lightly
  21. SteveH

    EPISODE 92 — Fans, Our Close Fans

    here's something that happened
  22. SteveH

    EPISODE 92 — Fans, Our Close Fans

    Jason Isbell. P.s. Is this the Hollywood handbook forum? Seems more like the Massachusetts Memo Pad. Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  23. SteveH

    EPISODE 92 — Fans, Our Close Fans

    So razzed right now
  24. SteveH

    EPISODE 92 — Fans, Our Close Fans

    Joe- text me and we'll work out the details of being forum bros. 732 713 0755.
  25. SteveH

    EPISODE 92 — Fans, Our Close Fans

    That sounds awful.