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Everything posted by SteveH

  1. IF YOU LIKE HOLLAND SO MUCH WHY DONT YOU MARRY IT? HUH? Follow up: if you could be in any Werner Herzog movie which one and why? What character would you be? You can't choose Nosferatu or the grizzly man.
  2. How bout a nice fluffy kitten with sunglasses on
  3. I had not heard of this goat simulator, so naturally I was intrigued by this exchange. Just looked it up and I'm so glad I did. I probably won't download it b/c it's $5, but just reading the description and the reviews filled me with joy. It's like the Hollywood Handbook forums of the App Store. All of the reviews are 4-5 stars and seems like most of them contain equal parts complaining about bugs/crashing and praise for the game. Edit: I just watched the trailer. Breathtaking.
  4. I'm just thinking of rando moments that I always think about and laugh my whole butt off... When Hayes tries to explain what a skelington is and says "it's a bone man!" I think it was maybe the Pete Holmes one...
  5. also B.J Novak. That was a great one. The spiderman story. celebritynetworth. pranks.
  6. I don't have anything to add that everyone else hasn't already said. However, I would like to say that I just finished re-listening to the Dave Thomas ep and it's just incredible. I wish Sean or Hayes could give some behind the scenes scoop on that ep (I KNOW YOU GUYS LOOK AT THE FORUMS). Did he listen to every episode before he came on? Probably not. He was just on fire...the skelington thing, asking Sean to "speak on that". Nothing gets by this guy. He's like a goalie and thats a funny thing to say because he's Canadian
  7. Some recent fond memories of the pcorn gallery: I can't even remember which guest it was....but when they read a question from corpsefucker shitlord, and the guest didn't have much of a reaction to his name and then that turned into a whole thing. And of course the Kumail episode where they asked my question. Instant classic. P.s. I love that my iPad Now auto completes the words corpsefucker, shitlord, and skelington
  8. SteveH

    EPISODE 344 — Classic Switcheroo

    The content of the ep is not what's important here. What's important is that picture of PFT. Is he really that small? Have they been enlarging him in the photos all these years but someone (Cody) forgot to do it today? Let's see if they abruptly take it down.
  9. Matt Cameron is the drummer for Soundgarden/Pearl Jam. Why is no one talking about that?
  10. I give you...The Grandpa Budapest Hotel
  11. who was it that posted the pic of their grandpa and him re-enacting a scene from whiplash? Can we all get on this amazing trend of inserting our grandpas into the most critically acclaimed films of 2014?
  12. SteveH

    EPISODE 344 — Classic Switcheroo

    Here's what we know about this Jarles character so far: Male, 40 years old "rail thin" constantly grimacing says "dude" aversion to seafood suffers from a diaphragm condition that makes it difficult for him to push words out of his mouth also suffers from soft teeth patriotic devout (religion not specified, but assume christian) his profession is a fencing instructor That's all we have to work with for now. Maybe we can get someone in behavioral science to work up a profile.
  13. I think it was James Adomian and Nick Kroll (Kroll was doing the baby voice in the background when "SteveH" called in. I thought it was a weird choice because those would be 2 pretty big guests for them to get, so to have them just doing impressions of listeners seemed like a wasted opportunity.
  14. Since everyone is doing arts, I decided to throw my floppy artist hat into the ring.
  15. I feel nostalgic for the days I lived in blissful ignorance and thought that there was a real bear who lived in the forest, played guitar, listened to podcasts, had internet access, and was able to write in english. There was also something about him writing all of Bob Dylan's songs I think (a la Anonymous). He even broke onto the scene by starting his own thread. It felt like the entire Earwolf forums had been set ablaze, but alas, the flame has flickered out, like so many forgotten campfires. And it seems to me you lived your life Like a candle in the wind Never knowing who to cling to When the rain set in And I would have liked to have known you But I was just a kid Your candle burned out long before Your legend ever did
  16. Welcome to hollywood handbook. An insider's guide to kicking butt and dropping names in the red carpet-lined back hallways of this industry we call shark bites.
  17. option 5 would be learning to count without using fingers. I'm not trying to be mean, so I apologize if that came off as a super sick burn.
  18. I asked him if he forgave me and he said "No." However, that's one of the only things he says so it's hard to get a read on him. I asked him why he won't forgive me and his response was "Elmo!", so who knows... I'm sure he does recognize their voices from being forced to listen to podcasts everyday when he's in his carseat. It also may have sounded like that because I was chasing him around with the phone so he could listen to what they were saying, which he really seemed to enjoy.
  19. It's not so much of a question of whether or not i think that I should be in charge of a little child. It's more just that I am in charge of one. I don't want to get into a whole birds and bees thing here; but sometimes when a man and a woman love each other very much, they live together and sometimes they do a big kissy, and they do things like go out to dinner, go to concerts, and just generally do fun activities together. But sometimes, a man comes home from work and is greeted by a woman looking at him with a terrified look on her face as soon as he walks in the door. Sometimes that man thinks something horrible happened, like their cat died or a family member or something like that. Then the woman says "I'm pregnant". And that's how babies are born.
  20. I don't think that's what my voice sounds like. Engineer Cody Boy must have gotten into the wires again and put some kind of modulation device in my phone.
  21. I didn't hear yours bear. Looking forward to it
  22. I'm kind of dreading listening tomorrow. I know I'll sound dumb and feel embarrassed all day. 400 posts. Congrats to me
  23. Is Sean a tiny american version of Stephen merchant?
  24. Kittens- has anyone asked about the can covered in electrical tape in your cheese pic? I'll take my answer off the air.