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Posts posted by SteveH

  1. I'll listen to the ep tonight, but for now I have some business to attend to.


    If Sean and Hayes don’t have Kyle Bosman on the show, here is a list of the bad things I will do to all of you:


    1. I will shave Hurricane Dennis bald.


    2. I will watch Birdman without Joe McGurl even though I promised we’d watch it together.


    3. I will crimp Hayes’ hair while he is sleeping and I’ll reset his alarm so he won’t have time to fix it before the big meeting.


    4. I will draw unflattering cartoons of Greggy’s children.


    5. I will change Marshall Mellow’s avatar to a butt with a fart coming out of it.


    6. I will change RanRan’s name to WalkWalk.


    7. I will trim Anastasia’s bangs even if they’re not quite ready for a trim.


    8. I will take from Sean everything that he loves.


    9. I will freeze Andrew’s bread, making it very inconvenient to make breakfast.


    10. I will kick Honlads in the nuts.


    11. I will watch Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery with Asteck and make witty commentary throughout.


    12. I will help Andy Kneis study for the GRE and I will take it pretty hard if he doesn’t do well.


    13. I will make Burdrulz homemade pretzels so he’ll never be able to enjoy another pretzel again.


    14. I will talk up the new Vince Vaughn/Dave Franco movie to TheloniousJunk so he at least considers seeing it in the theater.


    15. I will recommend a good therapist to AmericanDiaper who can put him on a stable dosage of medication so he can kick that depression for good.


    16. I will introduce Jacob C to Adam Levine because he actually has a pretty nice voice and maybe he’ll get a record deal out of it, I mean I know it’s a long shot but you never know.


    17. I will turn the lights off, put a flashlight under my chin, and tell MBOP a scary story.


    18. I will make JMonsterFace fall in love with me and he will be devastated when he finds out it all started as a bet.


    19. I will baptize Tim Treese’s first born child whether he wants me to or not.


    20. I will make Dixon’s ringtone the “Are you Afraid of the Dark?” theme so he will sound scared every time he answers the phone.


    21. I will watch a mediocre movie with Brgrho and I will go on and on about how good it was.


    22. I will slit Rod Aug’s throat.


    23. I will fail to mention you by name in a list I made and it will make you feel like you’re not part of the group.





    AM I DEPRESSED? I feel like everyone else got real threats, but I just got a nice offer to get some help.

    • Like 6

  2. So I guess it goes without saying that I'm pretty famous now. I love these forums and would love to continue being active on them, but not sure if my new busy schedule will allow it.


    I've already been offered a job directing all of the Baby Grandpa episodes ( they're doing a true detective thing where they just use one director for all the eps)


    They're flying me out tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to working with Janet Reno, Condaleeza Rice, the Quiznos monsters and everyone else.


    P.s. Can one of you photoshop wizards please create a pic of the writers room on baby grandpa?

    • Like 3

  3. I think the only problem with that joke is that nerds is cool now (or is that part of the joke? Because you're also joking about making fun of nerds since they're actually the ones that are cool)


    Floppy dicks? Maybe there's something there. I don't know...

    • Like 1

  4. The fact that you forgot to mention Valerie, the original full-namer, is embarrassing.


    Now, excuse me. I need to get out of here before someone sees me talking to you.


    ps real names for life. Plus people should use their real picture, and never change your avatar because it's confusing.


    At least I got the avatar right. Now comes the hard part...JasonA? Jalexander? TheRealConstanza? SummerOfGeorge?

  5. I'm not any of the people you specifically requested for feedback, but I do appreciate how difficult it is to overhall your brand. Doing so requires a lot of careful deliberation, and input from your friends, enemies, family and hopefully there are famous people among each of those groups whose opinions really matter. This being said, it is exciting and rewarding to create a new brand that people can really get behind. Even if this 'new brand' is really just using your actual name.


    RE those meetings, there are a lot of ways that you can get corporate to support your decision, that might not require so many meetings. Just Fax HR a detailed list of your brands defining qualities now, and a proposal detailing your new brand features and they might be able to expidite the whole process.


    "Have faith in bureaucracy" -- the first sentence in my book, the Ironic Anarchist Manifesto.


    Your feedback is appreciated. I hope no one is offended if their name was left off the list. Those were just the people I thought of off the top of the dome. Any and all advice is welcome


  6. I'm having a real crisis here. My username used to be just my first name last initial. Then I changed it to American Diaper, and I feel like I've built a really strong brand around that. Now I'm having second thoughts, but the idea of going through a whole re-branding campaign just sounds like a nightmare right now. All those meetings...


    I need to hear from both sides:




    Tim Treese

    Anastasia Vigo


    A Bear

    Joe McGurl (?)





    Game of Scones

    Michael Bay of Pigs

    Toby Keith Sweat

    Andy Dick Cheney

    Funky Spoonerism

    • Like 3

  7. Kulap

    • Why didn't you take Scott's last name? Vilanjiasock is so hard to pronounce. Wouldn't you rather be Kumap Anchorman?
    • You were on one episode of Parks and Rec as Ben's father's girlfriend. Who do you like better, Jonathan Banks or Howard Kremer
    • You were in a bit of a feud with Marc Maron. Speak on that.
    • Your HBO show has been criticized for not having enough women on it, even though it's a show about the beginnings of the silicone breast implant industry. Does Mike Judge hate women? From what I can recall, neither Beavis nor Butthead were women
    • Thomas Middleditch's name is Thomas Middleditch, but he doesn't have a british accent. Please explain.

    • Like 3

  8. Thanks for responding Chanson, I will take this information and ponder it for the coming weeks.



    For my next thought, I would like to ask George Costanza if he plans on using any internet based services to make his new website, because I know of one.


    I'm not big on the internet. That experience selling computers with Lloyd Braun and my father really left a bad taste in my mouth. And I never got that damn water pick

    • Like 2

  9. I only accept unconditional surrender. If you apologize I'm prepared to accept it. You will also accept a permanent banishment form #teamtreese


    I'm not sure if I can't accept these terms. Here is my counter-offer:

    • I will offer a conditional surrender
    • I will apologize, but you won't accept it
    • I need to know the advantages of being on #teamtreese before accepting permanent banishment
    • I would like for you to compliment my song
    • I would like an apology for your criticism of my not having a pop filter. Furthermore, you will admit what a terrible mistake you made by filtering out the pops when you recorded the POPCORN GALLERY THEME!
    • I would like to be signed to Hollywood Hitz Records
    • Finally, I would like for you to pay for an all inclusive trip to LA the next time there's a live Hollywood Handbook taping.

    I think this is a fair compromise. Please review and let me know your answer at your earliest convenience.

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  10. I take back what I said about loving feuds. This American Diaper feud is boring as shit. Maybe I just loved the OG Treese/McGurl feud. Now, let's get back to making with the funny.


    PS - Dixon, congrats on your new job!


    I agree. I was really hoping to shake things up, but this feud has been a little underwhelming. I'll gladly keep making songs though. I take requests.



    Beef Over?

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  11. ... well, in a way. Look, all I'm going to say is, that event I described happened in 1960, and certain people's skin fits other people (bears) really well.


    A Bear,

    Did you ever meet a guy who would be in the forest too much and he thought bears was like they are in cartoons and he had blonde hair and a high pitched voice and his hair was like the 3 stooges guy?


    Follow up: did you eat that guy on camera?

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