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Posts posted by brandenhaize

  1. June's insight on movies is always the most unique perspective imaginable. The subjects she decides to take notes on always amazes me. I wish HDTGM scanned and posted June's notes after every movie viewing. I'd love to read them. Also, I wish we could get an audio commentary from Jason (detailing his thoughts on June's analysis).

  2. Zardoz. What a terrible movie. I can't wait to listen to you rip into this while I'm at work today. :)


    IMDB Trivia: "Radio spots (available on the DVD) were narrated by Rod Serling."


    Rod: "Imagine if you will, a world where the penis is evil, but the gun is good. Oh, and also there's a giant floating stone head for some reason. Wow... this sounds worse than a bad 'Night Gallery' episode."

    • Like 1

  3. I looked for a better description of this Online but the best I found was on Urban Dictionary:


    Pentagram: A five pointed star with a circle around it. An upright star (like the one Ernest is wearing) is used mainly by wicca, but it was also used as a christian symbol, in christianity its meaning is of the five scars of Jesus. One on each arm and leg and one on his side. An inverted star is used in Satanism. It represents either pointing toward Hell or a goats head (depending on how you look at it.)

    • Like 2

  4. FYI, there's another Black Devil Doll movie, made in 2007. http://www.imdb.com/...ref_=fn_al_tt_1


    In the FAQ section of that IMDB page, they address if it's a remake/rip-off of the original. I found their response kind of funny/interesting:


    "Black Devil Doll From Hell is one of the many inspirations for our film. It is not an official remake or sequel. If anything it is a homage to BDDFH, and we are proud to say so. Yes, both dolls are Black, the titles are similar, and both films feature some sex, but that's the end of the similarities. The script, plot, story, dialog, characters in our film are original and do not have anything in common with Black Devil Doll From Hell. I think our trailer should make it pretty clear that our film is an entirely different beast than BDDFH."


    I'm really not sure why I felt the need to post this, other than to share some useless trivia. :) Anyway, good show Jake.

    • Like 1

  5. There was a huge plot of undeveloped desert landscape near my childhood home, and I used to play there all the time during the day. At night it was a big homeless hangout. I used to hunt for porno magazines (and even porno newspapers) all the time. I found tons of material I'd then horde for myself. I used to love that place as a kid. Now that I'm an adult, however, I'm totally disgusted with myself (for having touched that filthy crap. I'm lucky I didn't get some kind of disease). ;)

    • Like 3

  6. I have no wife, no children, and no life because I like to keep my priorities straight. I put podcasting first, above all other things! ;) While HDTGM has slowed down a bit, some of you might like to listen to my podcast at TortureVision.com. We review bad movies and "very special" classic television shows. Some advanced warning: We're nowhere near as funny as HDTGM, perhaps even when we're competing with their silence. :) So check TortureVision out now... It's the podcast no one is listening to!

    • Like 2

  7. For Corrections and Omissions: When DeVito's house is finally seen from space (at the end of the movie) he did nothing to make it brighter than it originally was during his big "live-DJ" show. So are we supposed to believe it was Christmas spirit that made the house visible? The lights weren't enough... we needed all the Whos in Whoville to come together and make magic happen.

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  8. If you weren't aware, Mac Tonight was involved in some legal troubles. From Wikipedia: "It was known that Bobby Darin's son, Dodd Mitchell Darin, was not impressed with the song, due to the fact that he claimed that the song infringed upon his father's trademark, and that this was done without prior permission, and filed a lawsuit as well as an injunction for the song to be removed from both TV and radio ads."


    "Mac Tonight no longer appears in commercials in the United States, as a result of the injunction..." BUT...


    "In 2007, Mac Tonight was given a CGI makeover and starred in a new commercial in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, South Africa and The Philippines. He is no longer seen flying over Earth or a city with a piano, but instead he dances on top of a McDonald's store singing and playing a saxophone. He also has a different, slightly gruffer voice, and new lyrics. All references to "Mack the Knife" have been removed, partially because Bobby Darin's estate didn't approve of the re-working."


    "Recently, Taiwan has begun to run Mac Tonight ads with Mac speaking Mandarin Chinese. Similarly, Hong Kong has a new commercial featuring the character, in which Mac Tonight is voiced by singer Eason Chan, in order to promote local branches' new 24-hour operation schedule."

    • Like 3

  9. For Corrections and Ommissions


    No one mentioned that Hudson Hawk was the final film made by Tristar Pictures. From Wikipedia:


    "Because Hawk (in conjunction with other unsuccessful films from the same studio) had lost so much money, the Sony Corporation had to salvage TriStar by purchasing its remaining stock, and by reorganizing the company as part of the recently formed Sony Pictures Entertainment. As with United Artists when they were bought out by MGM, Columbia and Tri-Star were allowed to keep their own logos, and to continue making movies under their own names."

    • Like 1

  10. 1. The very first time we see Daredevil's sonic-eyesight, the insignificant sound of a tiny drop of IV fluid illuminates his entire hospital room. We then see/hear everything from footsteps to jackhammers. Wouldn't the constant noise of city life essentially give DD sonic-eyesight 24/7? Even in the countryside, the ambient nature noise would probably trigger his sonic-eyesight constantly.

    So... why does he need the walking stick? Is it just to perpetuate his "blindness" story?


    2. Who makes DD's outfits, weapons, etc.? Who built DD's super-awesome Superhero bachelor pad? How can DD afford to buy such nice/exotic things if he's always working on pro-bono cases?


    3. At one point Joe Pantoliano gets a very close-up look of DD's walking stick. He says, "Cool color." DD responds with, "I wouldn't know." DD wasn't always blind, so he knows what colors are... but let's pretend, for the sake of argument, that DD made his own weapons, suit, etc., without any outside help. Did he not order color-specific materials from the "weapons and wardrobe factory?"

    DD: "For all I know my rockin' hot pink... or I'm multicolored like some kind of ninja CLOWN."


    4. In the morgue scene, Joe Pantoliano didn't recognize the hilt of DD's cane until the cane was fully extended? Come on! That's bullshit! Joe even commented on the "cool color" earlier, and it also has a very unique devil insignia on it! WTF???


    5. I like how DD brutally beats a man in front of a child and then says, "I'm not the bad guy, kid." Um... that's debatable. That kid is now traumatized for life.


    6. You wouldn't need superpowers (or even basic sight) to anticipate the heavy rainfall DD "predicted" (while on the rooftop with Electra). In fact, it was such a heavy rain, Miss Nachos should have said, "The view from this rooftop MIGHT be good, if it wasn't for all the storm clouds."


    7. Bullseye: "I want a fucking costume!" Why have this line of dialog in the script if he doesn't ever get a costume?


    8. How did DD detect Electra's impending entrance (in the restaurant) by smell? Is she wearing too much perfume? Did she not shower? Is she emitting an ultra-high amount of female pheromones (like some sort of female deer covered in her own urine)? If she reeked so badly that DD could smell her through the glass windows of a restaurant, I'm willing to bet that other non-superhero types can smell her stench, too.

    (Electra tries to sneak up on DD later and he claims he can smell her "rose oil", but come on... how did he smell rose oil from inside the restaurant?)

  11. I remember director Kevin Smith being a huge supporter of Ben Affleck in this role- as if he was the best choice for Daredevil. Kevin wouldn't shut up about it... until the film was released. Once this turd hit the theaters I didn't hear Kevin (or anyone else for that matter) defend it. Even Ben himself has gone on record as saying it was bad.


    Ben: "I liked Sum of All Fears. Daredevil I didn't at all. Some movies should have worked and didn't."


    The film is especially getting dumped on a lot now, as everyone from Christopher Nolan to Patton Oswalt are defending the choice to make Affleck the new Batman (essentially saying Daredevil was a fluke, and Affleck's Batman will be much, much better.) I'll believe that when I see it... on DVD. (I don't have the confidence to pay theater prices for the gamble).

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  12. Maybe we can chalk it all up to Conal's pranksterism? Messing with people just to mess with them?


    Yeah, I think that was Conal's intent, just to mess with Daniel's mind. Otherwise, there's no good reason why Conal didn't just kill Daniel the moment he caught him. Instead, Conal showed Daniel his entire plan and then set up that poor attempt to melt Daniel's head.


    There's no telling how long it took Daniel to find Robot Ellie. For all we know she was in the cell right next door to Daniel's. In any event, I guess Conal didn't particularly care if Daniel escaped from the factory (???). Conal didn't need his robot army anymore at that point (so he didn't mind that Daniel destroyed them all, hence the slow, evil golf-clap). Conal knew the media was already set to air his "Big Giveaway" commercials (and kill a ton of children).


    Conal probably thought, "Eh, let Daniel think he foiled my plan and escape with Robot Ellie. Once he's out of the factory, he'll foolishly let his guard down, and Robot Ellie will kill him." There are only two problems:


    1. Conal didn't expect to get hit with a rogue laser beam at the end (which I guess killed him)?


    2. Conal had no clue that Daniel would call (the Marines) and have the television stations shut down. ;)
