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Everything posted by OcterDoctopus

  1. OcterDoctopus

    Episode 15 — Shelby Fero, Our Close Friend

    Really enjoyed the double-dose of HH this week! I was especially happy to hear Max Greenfield say my name on the Pro Version!!!! (He said it in character as News Girl's Mr Schmiddtt.) Haven't had time to listen to this episode yet. Shelby Feral has been blowing up the twitters so it should be great.
  2. OcterDoctopus

    Episode 14 — Brian Huskey, Our Close Friend

    Is your old crush going to be there and can you get the DJ to play Careless Whisper when you make your move? Cause if you answered yes and yes, then my answer is yes. Tell your crush that you're now a graphical artist in Cinncinnati. I've seen that work a lot recently, so you'll be golden.
  3. OcterDoctopus

    Episode 14 — Brian Huskey, Our Close Friend

    Hey everybody, please start submitting your questions for next week's guest, Max Greenfield (Mr. Schmidt on News Girl). He will be discussing the Golden Globes and the new salt water gluten cleanse.
  4. OcterDoctopus

    Episode 13 — Andy Daly, Our Close Friend

    Ghosts of disappointments past and ghosts of disappointments future. Excuse me, I need to go lie down for a while
  5. OcterDoctopus

    Episode 13 — Andy Daly, Our Close Friend

    You think the answer is Ben Folds - Brick? Cause I know that its Lorde - Royal
  6. OcterDoctopus

    Episode 13 — Andy Daly, Our Close Friend

    Danish girls always pretend to be into nerdy stuff just cause they want the fake geek girl cred
  7. OcterDoctopus

    Episode 13 — Andy Daly, Our Close Friend

    Pretty sure it was either "Freshmen" by The Verve Pipe or "Royals" by Lorde. (Ben Folds Five - Brick)
  8. OcterDoctopus

    Episode 13 — Andy Daly, Our Close Friend

    Some of my favorite podcasts have already been mentioned, so here are a few from my list that I might recommend to yinz guys. Perfectcast: Gelmania If you want to laff and laff: The Bugle The F Plus My Brother, My Brother and Me UHH YEAH DUDE Smartypants: Dan Carlin's Hardcore History Writing Excuses 99% Invisible Theater of the mind! : Atoms, Motion, and the Void (so amazing that this is all done by one person) Getting On with James Urbaniak The Memory Palace Wiretap from CBC Radio XO Faded podcasts: My Favorite Stanger Tom vs Comics You Look Nice Today
  9. OcterDoctopus

    Episode 12 — Ben Schwartz, Our Close Friend

    Yikes that was an ugly negative post I just put out there. I'm enjoying my flu medicine and shouldn't be allowed to interact with people. Please do not let me sully your holidays!
  10. OcterDoctopus

    Episode 12 — Ben Schwartz, Our Close Friend

    Let me help you write your next scoop: Terrance punched (insert woman's name) on (insert date). It was (a misunderstanding / self defense).
  11. OcterDoctopus

    Episode 12 — Ben Schwartz, Our Close Friend

    Nice episode very funny I did enjoy it, yes. Also, well done on keeping a lid on Ben Starwarz showing up as guest. As many of you know, I'm a Scoop Trooper here on HH, but first and foremost I'm a Don Cheadle Fanclub Scoop Trooper. Had I known Ben would be on the show, all my questions would have been for Ben about Don.
  12. ohshit ohshit ohshit, please tell me its not too late to order the Pro Version in time for a Christmas delivery!! I really messed up last year so I need to get those Pro Versions under the tree in time
  13. Sorry you guys, but RSS had to end for some very solid reasons. How long do you think you can just simply take shots at powerful Shark Tank millionaires? Then a show like Whodunnit comes along to let you know that a powerful rich person can have you for real but not for real killed
  14. Not cool you guys. I was recently diagnosed as having Luke Wilson-Val Kilmer Disease so the chubby jokes really sting
  15. You guys should read Shemale Locker Room Surprise # 1. This might seem like I'm recycling a joke movie title from a previous post--WRONG--I changed the number.
  16. Everyone (except Chanson) please LIKE Jake's upcoming posts.
  17. I am really looking forward to Jake Fognestle stepping forward as the first brave show guest to comment on their own episode. It will BLAZE MAJOR TRAILS for future guests (Frankcis Muniz, Brett Gelman, so on). Btw, this was a good episode.
  18. Andrew Everyday, does it make you upset to look at Hayes and think about how you laid the foundation for Eastbounding Down and then Hayes came along to cause the show to be canceled this last season cause of all the curse words he used in the scripts?
  19. Andy, you starred as the evil Mayor Brown in the live action animated movie, Yogi Bear. How much time did you have to spend in the motion capture suit for them to bring all your lifelike motions onto the screen? Sub-question: which fabric was easier for popping boners, the mo-cap suit or the spandex biking shorts?
  20. Hey Andy, you got your start on MAD tv. Did you enjoy dressing up in those 1960s clothes? Are you still friends with Jon Hamm?
  21. During your time on Easybounding Down how much boner in the spandex biking shorts was Andy Daly?
  22. You once had Adam Sandler appear in your bedroom for Squirt TV. Do you feel jilted that he never asked you to take a ride on the Grown Ups cash money train?
  23. Next week's guest will be Frankie Muniz. He will be on to discuss jumping behind the camera and making the switch from actor to director, as he did with his recent project, Shemale Locker Room Surprise Vol. 5. Please. Submit. Your. Questions... NOW!
  24. Kyle Newschick is now the third Workofholics guest to appear on the podcasts. Where is Adam Levine? Off doing Modren Family. And where are the Eastern Bound & Down guests?? Surely an Andy Daly knows where the Earlwolf studios are located. Scoop Troop::end transmission::
  25. Great episode, these things just keep going up in quality. We did the math and we figured out why: Clean Shaven Sean leads to Haggard Hayes, then a sharp uptick in facial hair density until we arrive at Weird Beard Newacheck. This is a simple formula to follow. Just ask Brett Gelman.