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Everything posted by OcterDoctopus

  1. OcterDoctopus

    Episode 35 — Riddle Me Why

    You know, you say "nobody flame or troll me please," but what I think is you're doing is leaving a metafictional, and, maybe--ok, I'll say it--postmodern, invitation to be flamed or trolled. Let's just cut out all the crap filler in the next 20 or so forum postings where you're being trolled and just jump ahead in the story to after you got flamed.
  2. OcterDoctopus

    Episode 35 — Riddle Me Why

    Looks like we're not ever going to have another flame war in the forums this week. The reason is simple, both sides now know how to destroy their opponent. If anyone jumps up, all they need to break out is "RIDDLE ME WHY" and the debate is closed.
  3. OcterDoctopus

    Episode 35 — Riddle Me Why

    Clearly, the Whodunnit finale marks a victory for global sexualities and feministing in society by revealing the killer to be a womYn. Sean and Hayes didn't have time to mention during the show, but the meta-situational social media twitter performance by http://twitter.com/WhodunnitKiller created a social contract with it's own "followers" (no doubt a Twitter-based pair word phrase inspired by the Kevin Bacon series, The Following).
  4. OcterDoctopus

    Episode 34 — Total Math Wiz

    Here's the full episode on youtube: https://www.youtube....h?v=PESjD9UA9q8 I know I tried getting this started up earlier, but I'm circling back around to point out a few nonsense things 17:00 - Zombies are so hot on tv right now, that'll score some ratings! 36:00 - Struggling to find the right moment to start speaking in riddles to a non-actor in the reality show. 39:00 - Batshittiest "oops! we wrote ourselves into a corner" arrest of a serial killer 39:45 - Schlubby Cops 41:05 - Let's hug it out I loved hating this show. They never read the killer their Miranda Rights, either, so I guess I'm looking forward to season 2!!
  5. OcterDoctopus

    Episode 34 — Total Math Wiz

    Ok ok ok, wait, I see whats going on here. You are all a little bit confused about this whole forum. Like many of the personalities in the forums and on the podcasts, "TheNarnold" isn't a real person and he's more of a human-type online brand entity. This is exactly what the "Hayes TM®" and "Sean TM®" mobile podshow personas were talking about. His comments weren't personal opinions but carefully researched and filtered adsense content, that just appeared to be actual comments. Even our own moderator was tricked by this!
  6. OcterDoctopus

    Bypassing bathroom etiquette

    If I'm using a public restroom and another person starts LITERALLY destroying the atmosphere, am I allowed to leave without washing my hands?
  7. OcterDoctopus

    Episode 34 — Total Math Wiz

    Too bad we didn't hear more about Whodunnit and it's batshit bonkers bananacakes nonsense season finale!