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Everything posted by OcterDoctopus

  1. No 2014 updates for Whodunnit, nor it's meticulously curated wikipedia page
  2. Anybody got popcorn gallery questions for Seth Green for tonight's recording?
  3. I don't trust people I can't look in the eyes. You need an avatar. Lucky for you, I still have one lying around for you to use.
  4. 1. Sean O'Connor, you used to be a writer for The Ben Show with Ben Hoffman. Did you ever see him take off his baseball cap around the office locker room? Please describe the birthmark underneath if you saw it. 3. Show me that Quincy. 4. Instructions for to do a picture: a. Go back through the episodes and find the Lamorne Morris forums. Somewhere in there is a link to your Iron Man cell phone commercial. b. Click that link. c. Pause it roughly around the 30 second mark. That will freeze a shot of you already taking a picture with the cell phone. d. Call your smart nephew and ask him to "screen grab" it. (Important that you use that phrase) e. He should be able to mail it to you after he prints it. f. Have your assistant scan it and have your asst hire someone to airbrush it. g. Ask someone in the IT dept to come out of his troll dungeon and into the sunlight for 5 minutes to upload it onto the site.
  5. OcterDoctopus

    Episode 37 — Why the Food Industry Is Evil

    I was talking to a friend one time and paraphrased a Michael Pollan question, "Do you want your food prepared for you by a person or a corporation?" One of the student workers nearby in my office chimed in to say that people work at those food factories, so that should count...
  6. Quit now and save your afternoon
  7. Matt Gourley, you have an overall rating of 4.7 on RateMyProfessors.com and a very spicy pepper for the hotness category. Did those metrics rise or fall after you puked your face off in that episode of Drunk History?
  8. Its good but we all agree that she's ripping off strongly influenced by Kurosawa, don't we?
  9. I really hope that next week's guest has a tangential relationship with The Americans. (I want to hear another person punk out when it comes to whether they'd try writing an episode)
  10. Prerequisite listening: http://www.earwolf.com/episode/filipino-gollum/ 58 minute mark
  11. Skellingtons are so for frightening! Thanks for helping Rory Cochran understand
  12. The bizarro board has been sitting alone in the dark, just waiting, juuuust waiting for you to come home and find it.
  13. I cannot wait until tomorrow morning to find out whose questions Agata has chosen to be read on the show
  14. John, one of the stars of your show, Margo Martindale, also has a role on the show, The Americans. Would you ever consider writing an episode of that show? Keri Russell showed her whole butt on one episode. For real, the whole butt.
  15. John, your show featured a sub-plot where the grandmother converts her vegan-raised granddaughter into a meat eater. The season one DVD extras has a deleted scene where Jayma Mays' character forces her daughter to watch hidden camera slaughterhouse footage to get the child back in line. How much of a bummer was it for you when that scene got cut?
  16. this is one big SMEAR campaign!
  17. Also, which software update are you on? Please clear your cache and try restarting your phone
  18. Gelmania, you ever heard of it, ya dingus?
  19. "Where do you live in Mountain View? It's going to be so funny. Everyone is going to searching for you but nobody is going to be searching for me, so they won't find you because you'll be with me." (steady eye contact)
  20. BRRII, thank you for being a supporter? Also, should I include my name in my statement of purpose intro? They know its me already cause its included in MY application package.
  21. What follows is the best pickup line and now that I'm in a long term relationship I can pass it on to you. 1. "Hi, how are you? My name is ____." (Other person's response. Whatever.) 2. "Yeah, I'm just trying to meet new people." (Other person's response. Whatever.) 3. "Yeah. My mother threw away all my stuffed animals and said I need to find a real girlfriend." (One or both of you then points to your schlong. Raise one or both eyebrows depending on other person's signals.)
  22. Bruce Campbell will be stopping by the Earwolf studio to talk about Hollywood, the upcoming Army of Darkness sequel, and Burn Notice. Get off your butts, Popcorn Gallery, and start asking questions.