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Everything posted by DEATHMAN

  1. Do I need to explain how Barter Town works to you
  2. Nah you're gonna need that shit It's real cool to have a bunch of boxes and inside the boxes are discs that have data on them and you should keep them forever and put them on a shelf like a trophy, like this thing you bought at Best Buy is an accomplishment that only grows when you buy more and arrange them better
  3. Thank you for noticing my absence Steven


    I wanna beat Jason until he is unconscious. I will do no permanent physical harm but I want to hit him until a doctor declares him unconscious for at least 30 consecutive seconds edit: jason can't hit back

    EPISODE 365 — Bongo vs. Bongos

    CORKER of an episode. Corker.

    EPISODE 364 — The Marm of Smarm Returns

    Is Michael Ian Black going to be okay
  7. This epic reversal... the true racist was inside us all along,

    EPISODE 92 — Fans, Our Close Fans

    We've come a long way, But it seems we've found, The best pizza topping is no toppings just plain cheese, Good show this week hello forum

    EPISODE 361 — Waiting for Infinnerty

    Gabrus and Gemberling are worth their weight in laughs, and that's saying something!! Heyoooooooooo Gabrus looks good though but Gemberling has like a weird child's haircut and also a beard and it is very offputting
  10. let's get a suggestion from the audience

    EPISODE 360 — Snow Dome

    Actually, Jimmy Pardo is good and not even bad
  12. calm down genghis khan
  13. Guys is there anything more friggen epic to say than this? Because you know you're dropping some sick shit that is going to blow everybody's freakin' socks off, but you play it so cool like "Just gonna leave this here," as you saunter away, and don't even refresh the page for several hours to see how many likes it got
  14. UM Excuse me What the fuck is this
  15. When I first heard someone say July Diaz's name on a podcast I couldn't believe it was really pronounced just like the month. I thought it was somehow a real human name
  16. Well gang the boys have done it again this week,
  17. LIFE HACK: don't throw away those plastic rings that hold cans together. if you collect enough you can weave them together into shitty furniture
  18. Dear Erin Whitehead, Why did you make sure to specifically say "goodbye Hayes" when you were in the studio three weeks ago? What's going on between you two
  19. I have a very serious potato picture to submit...stay tuned to this post...