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About EmilAndersen

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  1. EmilAndersen

    Canned Burger

    Hi BP&F, I am a Danish citizen living in Malaysia and working in Singapore, which leaves me with a good 3 hours in a car each day - where I enjoy various podcasts. But I must say that NP ranks in the top three of the podcasts I listen to and I can barely wait for new episodes to come out(and wondering what will happen after you fight the Boss!!!! which seems to be closing in). In the beginning of one of the last episodes you joked about canned burgers - and guess what it actually exists. I came across it in a trekking store in Denmark and bought one for my father in law for christmas because he is the biggest canned food fan I know. The idea is that you boil the can in hot water and in minutes you have a canned food miracle(of course produced by germans who in well known for their lack of taste and gastronomical knowledge). Check it out here: http://images.businessweek.com/ss/09/07/0722_innovative_burgers/7.htm And yet again thanks for a extremely good podcast!! Emil