Hey Earwolf! Just tweeted you about this, buuuuuuuut I'm sure other members on the Forum could offer insight or excitement around this...
Looking at the Earwolf store, could we stand to gain a new shirt in Harris' honor? For instance:
Harris' Foam Corner
Creak. Slam. Sit.
Another user, on the NOT F&P 4 forum, suggested, "Motherfuckers just wanna laugh"
Maybe even a quote from "Analyze Phish"?
For me, I wear my Earwolf merch with pride...and especially since there has been so many retweets of his Foamies and the "MFers" quote that Scottabot shared...I think it's something that the people would want/wear with pride, as well.
Any other listeners have any ideas around this, any more potential quote/shirt ideas?
Harris, I miss you!!