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Posts posted by Quatto

  1. The writer of the WYR scenario was referencing The Spin Doctors' little-heard attempt at a follow-up to "Two Princes". Like Metallica's "Unforgiven 2" or that one lady with "Judy's Turn to Cry." Anyone could listen to "Two Princes" for the rest of their life, that's a fantastic song, but it takes someone truly masochistic to suffer through "Three Princes."


    As the writer of today's Would You Rather, I cannot put into words the emotional rollercoaster that one feels from hearing Hot Saucerman say your name, then immediately broadcast that you've made such a grievous error.


    I apologize to anyone listening who may have been inconvenienced by my mistake, I apologize to Legal Zoom, Bonobos, or any other sponsors that may have lost revenue due to my shoddy fact checking, and I apologize to The Spin Doctors for disrespecting their legacy.


    In my hubris, I thought I was Little Mister Can't Be Wrong, but ain't nobody gonna bow no more when I sound my gong.

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