Hey Dan,
Not sure if this has been mentioned by Sarli or someone else, and I know the rules are pretty flexible in Blaine's campaign, but the way your PC is using the Healing proficiency seems somewhat overpowered when compared to the rules in the PHB.
Your PC has to use the proficiency within 1 round of another PC being wounded and make a proficiency check to heal that wounded PC for 1d3 hp, up to the amount that PC took in that round prior. So, if the wounded PC only took 1 hp of damage the round prior, that's all your PC can heal them for, even if they're missing more hp than that. And your PC can only try that on a particular character once per day.
Now, the proficiency does make it so the PCs heal 1 hp per DAY even while traveling. If they rest completely all day then your PC can help them to heal 2 hp per day instead (well, 3 hp per day since your character has Herbalism too). And your PC can also help poisoned characters and treat non-magical diseases.
Blaine seems to be fine with it, but your interpretation of the Healing proficiency makes it pretty potent for AD&D 2E...almost more of a "magic power" than an application of skill.