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Posts posted by DennisCoryCrosby

  1. Quick story: I had seen the word "facade" in print, but hadn't heard it pronounced out loud until the film My Fellow Americans with James Garner and Jack Lemmon, and the vice president (played by the dad from Home Alone) says it "fuh-kade." For YEARS I thought that was how you said it. It wasn't until an idea of subtitles occurred to me that I found out how it's actually pronounced.

  2. Howard has long had beef with Pixar and animated movies in general so I wouldn't be surprised if they've talked about it many times.


    Childrens' entertainment has always been super dark. I wonder why that is? Maybe it's just fun to scare the shit out of kids, I don't know.


    The word is "make-'em-ups."

    • Like 1

  3. Is it just me or does June sound drained and slow since Color of Night? She seems more ponderous, slower...side effect of the pregnancy? I don't know...probably just me.


    Also, I thought the "finding porn in the woods" thing derailed No Holds Barred for almost 11 minutes, but thanks, Rob Corddry, for the whole hardware store thing, that REALLY simulated Xanax for most people.

  4. Professional comedians, one and all. Populous glut of the actual Earwolf site. Don't know where you got "chest-thumping," though, nobody's ever called it that.


    My take-away from this is that I've earned the enmity of...what. 4 people (vocally, there might be more who just haven't said anything), for bashing Harmon's bashing of Henson? (Fine, it was a joke. "No, no, that movie is terrible" is a joke, don't know what I was thinking, I just think it was a TERRIBLE one, really, along with "48 years of garbage..." Solid, solid jokes. I would even, were I more inclined, use "garbage person with zero tact" to describe Harmon's jokes.)


    Oh, and that because I said someone was younger than me, everyone thought that was funny, so that must have been a joke, too. I said it initially because I balked at a 19-year-old calling me a baby, I think. Ah, who cares,


    Actually, that's my take-away from this. "Who cares." I don't care about Harmon, or what he says, it just took away from my enjoyment of the episode...that and his and (his alone of the panelists, eerily enough) absolutely MAD cackling at the second opinions, that was kind of distressing.


    Who said I needed tact?


    And that will be on my tombstone.

  5. You're missing the point of what I'm saying. You're entitled to your opinion if you really do think the jokes were bad or Dan Harmon was bad or the show was bad. Who cares, that's your opinion. Your problem is that you're lobbing those opinions at people who have come together specifically to enjoy the show. It's like if you and your friends got together to talk about something, say basketball, because you all really love it then I show up and start bad mouthing it and telling you guys what a bad sport it is. You'd be pretty unhappy about that, too.


    Oh, right. I forgot that rule about all older people being right, infallible, and entirely superior to youngins.

    Or just objecting to being called babies by dorks.


    Also, no, not really. I've loved the show for a long time, I'm allowed to find issue with it ON OCCASION. It's not like I came to this forum when I said to myself "Oh, Paul, what are you talking about?" when he said that no DJs used records in in 2006 after Deck the Halls, or that his twice-fold outrage at Pryor smoking in A KIDS MOVIE OH MY GOD, because those weren't things I cared about enough to say anything.

    I wouldn't care if you started bad-mouthing a thing I liked, I'd just expect you to defend it because that's part of what a forum is.


    Your point actually seems to be "please only say positive things about this podcast, it is all we want to hear." In which case, no, I won't if something genuinely makes me angry. This is the first and only time it's happened to date.

  6. Ooh, that hurt.


    This forum is a place for fans of the show to discuss the podcast in a positive way, if you don't like an episode or a guest or a joke don't complain about it here, go cry in your crib and wait for your mom to change your diaper you big baby.

    Yeah, man, if you don't love EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING, why are you even talking?


    You're younger than me.


    For what it's worth, most of Dan Harmons' forced-urbanity was genuinely amazing; his outrage is not at all affected or ridiculous, this is a man who had public Twitter MELTDOWNS in 2011 and I have friends who genuinely thought he was suicidal for a long, long time. The man has insane pathos and rage.


    But, you know, there are a few graves you don't spit on in my house. Henson and Jack Kirby are two of them. That's all I'm saying. To say "that movie's terrible" is a great example is a joke is a lie on behalf of whoever said it first.


    Also, I wasn't trying to hurt you, just to get you to shut up.
