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Posts posted by Omaxem

  1. 2 hours ago, Elektra Boogaloo said:

    So I did not watch this movie. I did not understand much of the podcast, but it sounds like I wouldn't understand it even if I saw it.

    If you want to learn more about this FILM without actually having to watch it you can listen to the The Flophouse episode that covers it ( its #253 ). They get more into the actual " plot " while still ripping it to shreds and laughing at it.


    Also, i fuck!ng love Erin ( and Brian ).

    • Like 1

  2. I'm curious how many times every one here saw Titanic since they bring it up and Titanic is kind of known for people seeing it so many times in theatres. I saw it once in theatres and once on VHS.


    Several times, partially, on the TV. Never ( that i remember ) from start to finish.


    Maybe it got on to the top100 list because of its huge success? Although it is very well made, everything about it always felt too artificial to me, very much packaged/programmed to hit all the right buttons and to get Oscars. And, i mean, they nailed that part...

    • Like 3

  3. This is completely unrelated to the film ( Ben Hur + The Ten Commandments were staples of Portuguese Religious Holidays television, i've seen them so many times as a kid that i don't think i can take them seriously anymore ), but Amy... you're pretty cool. I don't know if that was a throwaway line or something you really feel, but just because you don't smoke pot doesn't mean that you're not cool. You are a cool person.

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  4. YEAH Indiana Jones! I kept thinking that Kate Capshaw could of nailed Polly, and i feel like that could of maybe made this watchable.


    All in all i didn't dislike it as much as the gang seems to, but it was real dark, there where some real big problems with the script ( plot, timelines... ), Polly Perkins is a horrible reporter, Gwyneth Paltrow is an horrible actress, Michael Gambon payed some bills and Lawrence Olivier is probably still rolling in his grave. It wasn't good.



    Gwyneth Paltrow stars in Sky Captain, which is essentially a superhero movie, as a character named Polly Perkins. A few years later she goes on to star in Iron Man, another superhero movie, as a character named Pepper Potts. Can we please crowdfund an Underdog movie and have her star as Polly Purebred so Gwyneth can complete her "superhero movie character whose names have P.P. alliteration" trifecta.


    May i suggest a remake of the Garbage Pail Kids, with the kids now being the... heroes? and with Goop playing Patty Puker?

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  5. I get personally offended when they pick a movie I enjoyed for the podcast. I liked Sky Captain! I will defend it!


    I also do not remember this movie being bad. This will be an interesting revisit.


    I remember the movie being beautiful and visually interesting, but i don't remember it being good...

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  6. The thing is, which is pointed out at the end of this paragraph, that did all change. I now understand why Italians have been saying this, but I still think that when I hear modern Italians claim racism it's a bit of a slap in the face to people of color living in 2018. I'm not saying that there aren't non-white Italians, because that would be ignorant, but I've heard some very pasty white people recently tell me they're not white because they're Italian and I hate to break it to them but their skin color provides them with white privilege.


    Has it though? Now, let me be the first to say that i am a white man, and that i absolutely believe that white privilege is a thing that is real, and that there are things happening today to POC that do not happen to me, because i'm white.


    BUT, i'm also pretty sure that i f i ever went to the US, i would not " read " as white, because in the US ( and i believe this still happens today ) unless you're blond with blue eyes and pasty skin, you're " ethnic ". So, even today, someone who is white may still be seen as being a Latino, or an EYEtalian ( or, like a charming gentleman once screamed at me at work, a " Taliban " ), and have weird ish happen to them.


    Never underestimate people being stupid and/or racist.

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