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Everything posted by JustinCaynon

  1. JustinCaynon

    AntiChrist (2009)

    This isn't your average bad movie, it's probably one of the craziest things that I've seen in a movie in my life. The sex scenes, the fact that there's like two characters and the bat shit crazy ending that left me wondering how anyone could have written this. It's not that the movie is without merit, there's some interesting things going on and it definitely has this crazy drug induced fever dream thing going on, but it kind of devolve into torture porn and it, at one point, made a grown friend of mine hide himself under a blanket out of shock and fear. So I would love to see what they would say about this movie as it seems to have little point and by the end of it you'll be able to pick Dafoe's penis out of a line up.