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Everything posted by NicholasArthurTallidis

  1. NicholasArthurTallidis

    Episode 13 - Married to a Monster

    Funny that you seem to know so much about this caller and are so hateful towards her. It may take awhile for it to register with you, but you were sexually abused by your own father. I won't use the word monster, but to use the word "mistake" or "judgment error" as you did is drastically underplaying your father's disgusting, manipulative, selfish actions. There's no sugarcoating it, your father abused you whether you choose to fully acknowledge that. A grope, kiss, rape, it really doesn't matter when you're talking about a parent and child. There's a line there that only sick people cross. Don't take your pent up pain and take it out on this caller. She has the right to her reaction, as you do yours. Hopefully you one day realize your mother is trying to protect you and others from a child molester, just as this caller is.
  2. NicholasArthurTallidis

    Episode 12 - Alcoholics Anonymous

    If there's one thing not to take a high horse on, it is addiction and sobriety. A decade of sobriety is not flushed down the toilet because of a one-off relapse. Maybe in the fucked up world of AA/NA, but for the human body, brain, and spirit one can be "imperfectly sober". The black and white terms you're presenting have only shown to keep addicts in the spiral. Commend them for their overarching achievements rather than harping on the blemishes. Sobriety is not a date or a coin, it is an approach.
  3. NicholasArthurTallidis

    Episode 12 - Alcoholics Anonymous

    I actually imagined this exact scenario the other day. If I had to call from work (which, depending on the day, I could get away with), there would be a good chance I'd be summoned for a conversation or someone would come by my desk and need to talk. When I read that this was the hangup that they discussed on CBB the other day, I imagined the circumstances were much more tense. I got the feeling that this guy might have actually had something come up during the call, not that he got too uncomfortable to continue.
  4. NicholasArthurTallidis

    Episode 421 - I Got Your Results

    Hines has this beautiful way of making me think a character is going to be a dud, only to subtly introduce hilarity into it as he progresses. I feel like more guests used to do this, but now the pattern is to get to the absurdity as soon as possible. Props to Hines for letting his characs breathe a bit.
  5. NicholasArthurTallidis

    Episode 421 - I Got Your Results

    Glad to see a woman on the show finally. Did it have to be a white woman, though?
  6. NicholasArthurTallidis

    Episode 417 - The 3 Year Diet

    I expected to see more love for Tromn Petty. We gotta get him in a room with John Lennon.
  7. https://soundcloud.com/gang_stalked/were-all-stars-nowin-the-plugbag Please consider this Marilyn Manson plug tribute. Thank you.
  8. NicholasArthurTallidis

    We're all stars now(in the plug bag)

    If you play this at the Detroit show I will flip my shit.
  9. NicholasArthurTallidis

    Play in Detroit!

    Not to be weird, but I don't know a single person in the Detroit area who is into CBB. Can we be best friends or something?
  10. NicholasArthurTallidis

    Episode 416 - Silicone Bralley Poo Crew

    Was anyone else bothered that there were no women and only one non-white on this ep?
  11. NicholasArthurTallidis

    We're all stars now(in the plug bag)

    coming soon...
  12. NicholasArthurTallidis

    Episode 412 - Little Whittle Whistle

    What you complainers aren't considering is that Scott will likely read this and book Carmen more often to spite you dips.
  13. NicholasArthurTallidis

    Episode 4 - The Most Amazing Destruction

    And believe it or not, I was actually pre Foam Corner back when it was a fairly small group. Can't remember the original name. It was changing often for awhile there. It was kind of funny, the second you said you had a shout out to your facebook group of podcast lovers I knew exactly who it was before you even said the name. I am curious just how hard the foamies freaked out after this was released.
  14. NicholasArthurTallidis

    Episode 4 - The Most Amazing Destruction

    I tried to make it clear in my posts that this was not a dig at you, or a doubting of your authenticity. I appreciate your bravery, and you'd be a fool not to get the plug in. I just really enjoy the show (this episode included!) and would be worried if this caused a pattern in the type of callers Gethard gets. Yes, he can not use the calls as the above poster mentioned, but it is not like the guy has an infinite amount of time to weed out those taking advantage of the format. Foam Corner was fun, but social media groups tend to stress me out. Glad to hear you're doing well, though. I did a quick google following this ep and it looks like you've got a sweet gig. Hope to hear you on something soon as an official guest, plugs 'n' all.
  15. NicholasArthurTallidis

    Episode 4 - The Most Amazing Destruction

    Yeah, I am not trying to call conspiracy here or anything. The randomness is the beauty of it, but the random pool is actually a pretty small population of Gethard/Earwolf fans. I've really enjoyed every episode so far, but I could see it becoming annoying (on your end) to filter through the people who will use this as a means to gain attention or promote themselves.
  16. NicholasArthurTallidis

    Episode 4 - The Most Amazing Destruction

    Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed this episode. I think the whole breaking-the-anonymous move may have set a bad precedent, however. I was a part of Night Time Foam Corner (Julia's group) for awhile before my feed became overrun with their posts causing me to leave. While I don't doubt the authenticity of her appearance here, I do know that she is already fairly deep into the earwolf/podcasting world. She has worked closely with some big names and is only a degree of separation from Gethard (I would say it is very possible they've even been in the same room at some point). What worries me is that this podcast will turn into a source of unsolicited auditions/plugs for prospective comics and podcasters. Since callers have to be close followers of Gethard (and, in turn, comedy), there is a good chance many of them are trying to break into the industry. Had she remained anonymous, I would have walked away thinking this was an incredible interview. But the fact that this became a plug made me wonder if there was an agenda to her calling. Gethard invited it, but she seemed to enjoy dropping hints and was all to eager to out herself. No criticism intended towards Julia. Showbiz is ruthless and why not get your name out there anyway you can? Had I not known it was Julia, I'd have walked away with an entirely different impression of this episode. But attaching a name to her story (and especially a name I am familiar with) took a lot away from it. It seems like Gethard has a bunch of episodes in the can at this point, but if/when he opens the phone lines again, I would not be surprised to see people exploiting the opportunity to be on an Earwolf podcast with him. Though, I would like to hear Stephen Rannazzisi call in and regale us with his 9-11 stories. Ultimately, don't listen to me.
  17. NicholasArthurTallidis

    Episode 3 - The Illustrator

    Eps 1 and 3 have a serious Frasier vibe...and I love Frasier.
  18. NicholasArthurTallidis

    Episode 409 - Man Brats

    This was a solid ep, but induced more chuckles than belly laughs. Seeing this reaction has me wondering if the lack of a straight-man guest (and/or Gino) reacting along with us proved to be a detriment. CBB's organic laughtrack can really drive it's humor. The off and on mic laughter builds an inviting energy and makes us feel a part of the fun. Maybe this was just a little quieter than we're used to?
  19. NicholasArthurTallidis

    Episode 404 - The Timeys Leap Year Celebration

    Literally had goosebumps following that ending. Probably a stretch, but it would be amazing if this was all a set up for what's to come during the Spring tour.
  20. NicholasArthurTallidis

    EPISODE 33 - TV News Control Room

    The news of Chuck Sheen being HIV+ warrants a comment from Paul or Paul. Tiger Blood, yo.
  21. That is pretty much the meat of his story, though. The only truth seems to be he worked in an office in New York. I've wondered why he didn't seem to mingle with the comedy world in the way his League costars do. Maybe this provides some insight into the sort of person he is.
  22. When the going gets tough, the tough get barbed wire arm tattoos.
  23. NicholasArthurTallidis

    Episode 328 — Beatle Heaven

    Such a great ep. Hanford is always fun, but this set a new bar for him. Between Horatio mentioning Arlington Heights, Anders mentioning Evanston/Rogers Park/JJ Peppers, and a Kinsella bro showing up, I am starting to feel like Comedy Bang Bang is following me.
  24. NicholasArthurTallidis

    Episode 327 — Bang! Bang! Into Your Mouth!

    I think Scott is looking to hit a reset button and allow for new characs and bits to prevail. I wouldn't take this ep as an indicator that the characters will be more casually executed, though. I think that was just the product of having Horatio's character being so minimally formed (in the best possible way). I, for one, am excited to see some of the ongoing arcs retired so long as we haven't seen the last of Victor and Tiny. Oh, and Gino.