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Everything posted by jaymanthegreat

  1. First - in lust. Second - in love. Third - incognito mode 'cause the first two ain't doing it no more.
  2. Lance Armstrong cheated, Neil Armstrong faked the moon landing, Stretch Armstrong isn't very flexible at all.
  3. I like my women like I like my coffee... covered in bees!
  4. Love is what you make of it, it being a roast beef sandwich.
  5. She praised the poise of my pose in prose.
  6. Once a upon a TIME magazine cover there was a picture of a baby dressed as Einstein.
  7. I'm back, in black, and sweating my balls off due to such an impractical fashion choice.
  8. First - in lust. Second - in love. Third - incognito mode 'cause the first two ain't doing it no more.
  9. Birthdays are like buttholes, everyone is disappointed with mine.
  10. I have athlete's foot, a gardener's thumb, an artistic eye, an Achilles heel, and three pinkies.
  11. Wholesale items half off? What's next, people marrying dogs?
  12. I wanna pull the hairs from your mole in the worst way.
  13. Party in the back, party in the front. I got no job, so who gives a frunk?
  14. My evil plan begins by getting Michael Keaton to say Beetlejuice three times.
  15. These 18 rats don't belong to me, madam, but we are good friends.
  16. I swear this lotion is for my dry knees.
  17. Everything I've done I've done for me, son.
  18. I heard her say that her heresy was hearsay.
  19. I wanna pull the hairs from your mole in the worst way.
  20. I'm sorry, madam, but the early bird special is for the living and your husband's lips are blue and saggy.
  21. If I'm the only one who can prevent forest fires, where's my goddamn cape and secret lair?
  22. If you use cake when you should use bread, then your Rubens will be remembered.
  23. Download, upload, overload, get loaded, loaded baked potatoes... None of these are the type of load you blow, children.
  24. It's a waste not to taste, so have a sliver of liver pate today
  25. Alligators live in swamps and chocodiles in packing at the gas station. That's the main difference