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Bob's Kitchen

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Everything posted by Bob's Kitchen

  1. Lights, camera... hot comedy on comedy action.
  2. While the cat's away, those with cat allergies will breathe a big sigh of relief.
  3. Is that a smile on your face or are you just happy to see my model airplane collection?
  4. I understand we're out of toilet paper, but get your hands off my cashmere sweater.
  5. It's one for the money, two for the show... oh, my... I should have studied harder in elementary school.
  6. So tasty, even a committed vegan will want to tear into this juicy meat.
  7. I see trees of grey, grey roses too -- that's right... I'm colorblind, j-wad! Thanks for mentioning my inability to see colors!
  8. It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is a creepy pervert with a foot fetish.
  9. Shooting fish in a barrel isn't as easy as it sounds, but it is a great way to murder fish.
  10. I left my heart in San Francisco, but my kidneys are on a flight to Mazatlan.
  11. ...you may want to invest in some tree glasses.