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Everything posted by Casaba

  1. I'm so happy that Honlads made a friend. You guys should start the Ireland chapter of the BFC.
  2. Why am I so full of anger and hate today? No really, guess. This could be fun.
  3. Sean, Hayes, we love you guys. And we would like to demonstrate this love by sporting an official Hollywood Handbook tshirt. I understand that Earwolf may not wish to make tshirts for HH because they are stuffy businessmen who just look at numbers. But, you have about 30-50 die-hard fans who would purchase these tshirts if you felt inclined to make them. So, my suggestion, make a limited run of shirts. Forum folks will surely purchase all of them. PS - You also can get free design labor by having a contest like they did for UTU2TM?
  4. Hey gang. Have you seen Hayes in Those People on YouTube? It's so great to finally see his face as his voice comes out of it. You're right, Joe. That's fun.
  5. Hi Betsy, You were in Monsters University. Was that scary for you? Also, how was it working for Pixar? Did you get to go into the secret underground parts of the Pixar campus? Thank you. I love you.
  6. What is this game? Tell me more.
  7. Casaba

    I don't understand the pro version

    Oh, greggy. I mailed the fellas a little package and mentioned in my letter that they should give you the pro version, as I am sure you have paid in full.
  8. Casaba

    Episode 2 - Cereal

    I really enjoy the editing and fast pace of this show. It's nice and different from the standard comedians in a room format. I like that it's a mix of music, sketches, and interview. And I loved the call in portion. Very fun podcast.
  9. Casaba

    I don't understand the pro version

    And this is why HH has the best forum on Earwolf (no, wait...in the world!). Because S + H find interesting ways to include the forum members in the show....and it requires that you constantly check in to see when popcorn gallery questions should be posted.
  10. I first discovered HH just from being a fan of other Earwolf shows. I think I either heard an ad on another show or saw it on the website. I didn't start listening until a few episodes had already come out, but I started with episode 1. I must admit that I wasn't in love right away. But I kept listening. It was the Adam Pally episode that really got me hooked.
  11. Jacob, buddy...are you ok? You're sleeping for nearly 24 hours. You're talking about how everything you love leaves you. This is a safe space. You can talk to us here.
  12. For reals though, I hope the popcorn gallery continues. I have no other outlets in my life where I can riff and make joke questions based on someone's imdb page. (Note to self: produce comedy night where comedians make jokes about their own or someone else's imdb page)
  13. greggy, I'm about to give you the best advice that anyone has ever given you: leave your family, move to LA, and do comedy full time. Just kidding. Keep your family (especially those kids, they are comedy gold). You are super funny. I am so glad I joined facebook mostly because of your regular joke output.
  14. Whoa, Jacob. How long do you sleep?
  15. Casaba

    Episode 216 — Indie Gu Gu

    Whoa! Howard got real for a minute. I love this indiegugu campaign.
  16. I'm in, Tim. Road trip!! I saw that photo and thoroughly enjoyed the berets. But that story still makes me so sad. But then I think of the Workaholics episode based off of that story and loff. PS - BFC 4 lyfe!
  17. I don't think I'm out of line here when I say that Trends With Benefits is damn funny.
  18. Tim, have you listened to EP 5 of TWB? http://www.twb.cool/ Is this the lady who came to the Eureka?
  19. There are horrible things there, but there are also great things that make it enjoyable. Am I right, Agata and Andy?
  20. This is reason alone to move to LA, Brian. Also, I apologize for making you do push-ups. PS - This is what Brg would look like in LA: PPS - ...seriously funny looking. PPPS - Just kidding, babe.
  21. This episode was great. I really like Amanda and Maria. Ghost Ghirls is great. Maria is funny in Drunk History. I also like Amanda in Matt Gourley's random little movies. Like this one:
  22. Brg, I'm about to give you the best advice that anyone will ever give you: drop out of school and go into comedy full time. Well, maybe don't drop out of school, because as I understand it, you are almost done with your program. But maybe right after you graduate, go to LA, or NYC or Chicago or someplace where you can keep taking improv classes and maybe join a sketch comedy group or something like that. You are seriously funny.
  23. I would not give them a like, but in a separate post say Hey! I like your name.
  24. I lost my voice and now I sound like a greggy.