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Everything posted by Casaba

  1. Andy definitely needs to do his call-in commute podcast!
  2. You have a slight southern accent, which I bet comes out more when you are in Alabama or speaking with someone from Alabama.
  3. I can't hear anything really. They might have slight dialect differences that place them on the East Coast, but they both just speak with a general american accent.
  4. I'm pretty sure someone is just fucking with me now, because I have liked about 10 posts in the last three days, but yet I am still out of likes! Damn! Now I'm frustrated because I can't find a good gif to express my frustration!
  5. Andy was a one man cover band last night.
  6. We definitely needed more Honlads.
  7. All of you are cool and nice and funny. I enjoyed talking to all of you.
  8. For Tim: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcotYF3aNVM
  9. Bruce you were great. Be in our VB hangout. PS - I left for a bit. Did anything good happen?
  10. Can we get on early? I'm raring to go!
  11. Yes, hangout at 7pm tonight. Give Bozos your gmail account and he'll invite you. Woohoo! I'm excited too, Jo(e)! This is sooooooo cool. I want one too now. Thanks for the suggestion!! Everyone has given me amazing suggestion. Thanks, gang. By the way, I'm out of likes again. I think the powers that be give me a window of 3-5 hours to like stuff and then I don't get anymore likes for two days. I'm under their thumb as Mick would say.
  12. greggy, is this true? I feel like we should start a campaign to get you the pro version. Should I start a petition on change.org? Or maybe we should all write letters to Hayes and Sean c/o Earwolf. Oh, wait a minute, this sounds like fun.
  13. What are your thoughts on License to Drive? For some bizarre reason, License to Drive was one of my favorite movies when I was 8. It's a horrible movie for an impressionable young lady to watch. But what can I say, I was a big fan of the Coreys. I also loved (and still love) Lost Boys.
  14. What is everyone thinking of changing their name to? I really don't want to do this, but it's a pretty clear directive. Maybe I'll be Ogiv Aisatsana. Or Bart Simpson.
  15. Great ep. I liked when Sean said "fucking dickhead." I was in a shitty long shit-filled horrible meeting all morning. I was so tempted to just put my earbuds in mid-meeting and listen to the rest of HH.
  16. Yay! New ep. With PFT!
  17. I completely disagree. This album is not like their early stuff. But it's pop and fun and interesting. There are so many good Dee Dee tunes on this album. And I can't get enough of I Need Your Love.
  18. Nice! This is my favorite 'Those People'. I also like the nap one but mostly because I like to imagine Hayes holding me while I cry.
  19. I've heard of these pedals. I'll check them out. Maybe one will give me a "tone-boner" and then I'll just hope that he bones to the same tone. Thanks! Good suggestions!
  20. ^Oh, good suggestions VB! He's hard to shop for because he's a lot cooler than I am. He looks like this: The CBB today made me want to get this for him. He's also a music guy, so maybe I'll look for some unique music instrument or distortion pedal. EDIT: Damn, VB, you weren't kidding about the HBO site. I'm going to get this for him and this. And I want this for myself. I love Ghost! Thank you!!
  21. ^Agreed. You're a couple of cool guys.