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Everything posted by Casaba

  1. C'mon gang! If we're gonna make it to 1000 posts in this thread by EOD Monday, then we really need to pick up the pace here. We need to average 153.25 posts per day from now on. Quick someone say something controversial or start a photo posting frenzy. Photos of our beds? Hairdos? Shoes? Ahhh!
  2. Give Bozos your gmail address and he'll make sure that you are invited at 7pm on Tuesday. Yay!
  3. Casaba

    Episode 328 — Beatle Heaven

    Brett, great sound on the music! The handclaps and percussion sounded especially stellar! You're thinking of Jon Daly's Mall McCartney.
  4. And Kevin (MBOP) has a bitchin' porch and an impressive knowledge about The Color of Friendship (2000).
  5. You are correct sir! (that's me doing an impression of Phil Hartman's Ed McMahon)
  6. Of course you do! Your headphones also made sense compared to your posts/voice. Had you seen a photo of me before last night?
  7. Do you picture me as a talking surly pirate cat?
  8. It's kinda fun to see video of them after listening to their voices for so long. I loved watching Hayes' Those People videos. Check them out if you haven't yet. It was also fun last night to see video of fellow handbookheads. Piecing together the photos, voices, senses of humor, etc. into one actual human person...
  9. Casaba

    Episode 214.5 — 1/09/15 TWO CHARTED 153

    Nice new photo, Stard!
  10. Since there will be so many of us, maybe we should have an agenda. Like we should go around and introduce ourselves and present some item in our house or wherever that is precious to us. Bozos can moderator and call on who is next. Otherwise it will just be a cacophony of 15 voices. Is this dumb? Should we just embrace the chaos?
  11. Ok, gang. I dropped in late on last night's hang out. Super fun. Valerie had a cool braid. We saw some dogs and cats. MBoP made a blanket fort. We examined the social impact of 90's and early 2000's Disney channel original movies. Good times. So, Tuesday was the clear and present danger winner for our next one. Tuesday, 1/13 at 7pm. Now I realize that 7pm is not a great time for anyone but PST folks. But we will keep it at 7pm for now since y'all voted for it and the next one can be at 7pm EST or some shit like that. Woohoo!
  12. I just got home too. Talkin' still being done, er what? Can I hang out?
  13. I am really hoping all of your pets make appearances during the google hang out.
  14. Tuesday 1/13 is dominating this race with 9 votes. Let's give it another few hours and see what happens. Anyone want to nudge Showshowbro about this? EDIT: Oh and Freja! Anyone else?
  15. What!? Blenjamin and Carmellica can't make it! Damn, I was hoping to get some good gossip from them.
  16. Bozos, my gmail is adeno1919@gmail.com. Will you be our benevolent leader and moderator? I assume this rowdy group will need to be controlled in some manner.
  17. Hey guys! I created a doodle poll with various times on it this week and next week. http://doodle.com/5xy7z5ssf33vuasu This way we can see when most of us are available. Just note that all times are in pacific standard time, which is -8 GMT.
  18. PS - I'm outta likes again, but just know that I like all of you and I think you all are special and amazing.
  19. I'm soooo down for a google hang out, but I can't make it tonight at 7pm PT. I have improv class. But maybe a first group of you can do the one tonight and record it and share it with us. And then we can do another one Friday or next week for those of you who can't do it tonight. Also, 7pm PT is not great for Honlads and Andrew...that's like 3am or something for them. Maybe we can do it on a Saturday morning at like 10am so that it's in the evening times for them.
  20. Une mille? A thousand? In French? If this thread goes to a thousand posts, we should have a party.
  21. Joe, first of all, love the gifs. Second, what's your prediction for this thread? We have to go over 362 posts. If we don't, we'll look like chumps. Do you think we can do more than 724?
  22. Casaba

    Episode 214 — Me Wheelhouse

    They have a cool guy tenant living above their garage named Stard who wears leather jackets and is in a band. And their nosey neighbor, grumpy old Mr. Pepitone keeps trying to get them in trouble with the neighborhood association.
  23. Casaba

    Episode 214 — Me Wheelhouse

    Bruce, you in?