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Everything posted by Casaba

  1. Casaba

    Episode 205.5 — 11/07/14 TWO CHARTED 144

    By the way, I absolutely loved Stard's 'stard costume. I wish I could have liked that 100 more times on instagram.
  2. Casaba

    Episode 205.5 — 11/07/14 TWO CHARTED 144

    You wan some brekky boi?
  3. Hey execs! Listen to agata! She knows what she's talking about over here!
  4. Good idea, VB. I'm on it. PS - Where's the fucking HH t-shirts, guys?
  5. Question 1: People say write what you know. What do you know? Question 2: How did you all get into television writing? Was this your career goal from the beginning or did you fall into this line of work? Question 3: I bet you're a real cut up in the writer's room. How do you stay popular with the other writers, but also assert your dominance?
  6. Casaba

    Episode 205.5 — 11/07/14 TWO CHARTED 144

    I'm gonna stick with anus.
  7. People are horrible to each other out there. That's why I avoid the world and hang out in this forum. You guys are nice. Even Chanson, deep down inside.
  8. Eek! Sorry guys! I really boned this up in a number of ways.
  9. Which ricearoni are you making? Or will this be a variety of racearonis? Perhaps any pastaroni involved?
  10. Whoa! BRRII, your out dated phrase magically gave me my likes back! Woohoo! I think every time someone is out of likes, we just need to tell them to sit on it.
  11. I'm out of likes again. What gives, Earwolf?! PS - I'm trying to bring back "What gives?" PPS - I'm also trying to bring back "Get bent." PPPS - Those are both beloved catchphrases from Middle School Anastasia.
  12. Wow! BH, this is impressive. These jokes certainly sound like ones that kids would make up. And what a classy cover!
  13. Yes, when I don't go home to see the family. Good food. Friends. Seasonal cocktails. What do you do for TG, Brett?
  14. I've had many of these moments too. And I've learned that it's usually best just to leave them alone. Unless you are a super cool dude who's good at talking and shit, then I think the exchange ends up being pretty awkward. On the day that the first episode of the Andy Daly Podcast Pilot Project was released, I saw Andy Daly. I went up to him and said I was a big fan and I just listened to the first episode of his podcast and it was amazing. He said something like "That's so nice. I'm glad you liked it." Then there was an awkward pause, I smiled, said take care, and walked away. Idiot! https://screen.yahoo.com/chris-farley-show-martin-scorsese-000000739.html
  15. I was reminded earlier today of an embarrassing moment in my life. I saw Michael Showalter and Michael Ian Black perform about 5 years ago and they both stayed after the show to sign their CDs. When I walked up, Showalter said hi to me and drew a cat on my CD. I responded "I like cats" and then was quickly ushered forward to keep the line moving. I have been a huge fan of these guys since I was twelve years old...and all I said to them, nervously and with a big dumb grin on my face, was "I like cats." I hate meeting people I admire. Do you guys have any stories about meeting people who you're a fan of? Anyone able to play it cool? Any love-knife stories?
  16. Casaba

    Episode 205 — The Beetlejuice Watchers

    I agree with everything you said. And yes, Stard should be a regular host on Whooch and Twooch. I love his contributions and he has such a great relationship with Ku and Wie. I know this might be tough with how busy he is, but it would be great to hear more of him.
  17. So, who plays Sean in these photos?
  18. Bozos, welcome to our fair land. I hope you enjoy yourself while you're here. How long are you in town for?
  19. Rod, if I've learned anything from romantic comedies it's that you should bury your feelings down inside until they burst forth at the worst possible time (maybe when these message board people are right about to say their vows at their weddings) and then after a short period of conflict, you will kiss these people and live happily ever after with them.
  20. Well, regardless, I'm so happy that you and your name have been reunited.
  21. so...um...did you kill that guy?
  22. Knowing that Hayes is a bit of a playboy, I'm wondering if what he said about s-e-x isn't just a cunning ploy to get even more chicks! Because hearing about Hayes's issues is going to make women want to teach him how to love. I suddenly want to hold Hayes, tell him everything will be alright, and help him explore his sexuality. Stop playing with my emotions, you sly fox!
  23. Ack! Noooooo! I love seasonal fun! But I just realized there are consequences.