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Posts posted by Casaba

  1. I have a question for you all: do Sean and/or Hayes have accents?


    I can hear that they have 'American accents' but I guess that's like someone saying 'English accent' to me, in that there are lots of different ones. Can you tell what region they come from?


    I can't hear anything really. They might have slight dialect differences that place them on the East Coast, but they both just speak with a general american accent.

  2. Yes, hangout at 7pm tonight. Give Bozos your gmail account and he'll invite you. Woohoo! I'm excited too, Jo(e)!


    Anastasia, this may be too late to be useful, but hopefully your [redacted] will have another birthday someday. For Christmas I got six of these - one for each sibling plus one for my step-D. I also received one as a gift (thanks for taking the hint, family!) and it is SO FUCKIN' RAD I CAN'T...hang on, getting too fired up, must go play with my Spirograph.





    I'm back. Anyway, my point is it's a fun toy and anyone would love it unless they were some kind of weirdo.




    This is sooooooo cool. I want one too now. Thanks for the suggestion!! Everyone has given me amazing suggestion. Thanks, gang. By the way, I'm out of likes again. I think the powers that be give me a window of 3-5 hours to like stuff and then I don't get anymore likes for two days. I'm under their thumb as Mick would say.

  3. Anastasia -- if ur gonna get a guitar pedal for your uncle you might wanna check these guys out. These are the cool-guy pedals that you can't buy at the store. Oddly, this article is on vice. Death by Audio also had a very beloved DIY space that was displaced by vice headquarters about 2 months ago... >> http://noisey.vice.c...mpany-interview At the end of the day, getting someone a pedal isn't a great idea because generally shopping for pedals is a process where you go and play through a bunch of them 'til you've got what's known as a "tone-boner."


    I've heard of these pedals. I'll check them out. Maybe one will give me a "tone-boner" and then I'll just hope that he bones to the same tone. Thanks! Good suggestions!

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  4. ^Oh, good suggestions VB!


    He's hard to shop for because he's a lot cooler than I am. He looks like this: B)

    The CBB today made me want to get this for him. He's also a music guy, so maybe I'll look for some unique music instrument or distortion pedal.


    EDIT: Damn, VB, you weren't kidding about the HBO site. I'm going to get this for him and this. And I want this for myself. I love Ghost! Thank you!!

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