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Posts posted by Casaba

  1. I want to Hangout with every single one of you as guests on my podcast. I'm actually very embarrassed because I never intended for anyone to ever see the actual videos (just my weird cheap way of recording). I guess I stupidly underestimated the power of our S&H fandom and the internet. I'm way more happy and flattered though that people actually like it. I really really want every one here that wants to do it as a guest at some point.


    (Also extra special shout-out to BrGrHo for doing all the artwork for us out of the goodness of his insanely talented heart.)


    Bozos, I am sooooo sorry for posting that video. It was the first thing that popped up when I googled Haim Slides and Sean Clements. I had no idea that it was the raw, unedited interview. I had only watched half of it when posting. But I also must say that I loved it. Regardless, my apologies. I hope I didn't cause any trouble.

    • Like 1

  2. Ok, I've done some sleuthing and I have a theory why there was no episode today: Sean and Hayes are beefing. I blame Bozos for stoking the fire of an argument between the boys. Hayes, Sean, remember that you love each other and don't let Bozos' mind games mess with your beautiful relationship. Now, please, for all of us kiddies, puhleeeaaase, make kissy and makeup.


    • Like 15

  3. As a longtime Mike and Tom Eat Snacks fan, where you live and die by the sincerity of "See you next week", I'm disturbed by how numb I am to this betrayal.


    I can do a great Engineer Cody impression if anyone wants to pool our resources and record an homage episode. I hear Charlie Murphy does a great Sean. Tim can guest.


    Can I be Hayes and/or Andy? Well, I guess Andy can probably be Andy, but it would be funny if Andy pretended to be a guest like Matt Besser or someone.

    • Like 3

  4. Oooooh, BRRII, what pet names does nanbot call you? Actually, this goes for everyone: What do your parents call you?


    My dad and sister call me Pooh (short for pooh bear). When said aloud it sounds like they're calling me a piece of shit. I've had this pet name as long as I can remember. My mom calls me Anastasia because she is a stern serious woman.

    • Like 5

  5. I hope you all had a great exmas. Mine was terrible, I had to look at forums using safari on the phone and it didn't show likes on posts. It was a nightmare.



    vad i helvete, I thought swedish hollywood handbook fan was my gimmick >:|






    First of all, how funny would it be if one episode S+H didn't ask us for PCG questions and instead just wrote questions in our voice and credited them to us. That would be a nice and fun and cool prank.


    Second, this makes me feel like a cool kid who is in the cool kid clique with the other coolest kids in school.

    • Like 7

  6. https://soundcloud.c.../6-hh-xmas-song


    Merry Xmas, Xmasheads.


    I also made a very special video about my creative process. The first video I attempted included me being incredibly pretentious while doing a very convincing English accent, but this video ended up feeling mostly genuine. It's sometimes difficult to tell what I should be embarrassed by and what I should be proud of, so here it is.



    Hey, nice hair.



    ps - Your video was great...better than most Behind the Music episodes I saw.

    • Like 1

  7. Merry Christmas everyone! You are all lovely people and I hope you have a great day today with lots of eating and relaxing and friends and family and cats (and/or dogs [well, just pets in general because I don't want people with hamsters or snakes to feel left out]) and warmth and fun and crying because of how much love you feel and maybe a little walking after you eat because health is important and cuddling and cocoa and singing and fireplaces and presents and remembering how wonderful you all are.


    PS - VB, great songs. You are a very talented parody songstress.

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