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Posts posted by Casaba

  1. 5 minutes in:

    "This will probably be the only call-in episode we do until next christmas"



    They'll do another one I bet. They love us. I could hear the joy in their voices as they berated Chanson, and got frustrated with me for wanting them to say I keep them relevant with my cool Christmas music, and yelled in horror at the voices of 7-8 20-something men, and especially when Sean said "Yeah, no fucking shit, dude!" They enjoyed this as much as we did. I bet they are thinking about us right now as they sip their cocktails in Tulum or Cancun or some other Mexican beach. Demi Moore just walked by with a few of her kids and waved hi to Sean and Hayes, but they didn't even notice because they were daydreaming about hanging out with us. Demi feels snubbed, but it wouldn't be the first time that S+H ignored Demi.

    • Like 6

  2. By the way, I loved this episode. I'm now a believer in call-in episodes. Everyone who called was a great stimulus for the fellas to make funnies. And Andy did a great job. I loved saying hi to him. Brett was cool and smart and powerful. I was giggling the entire time I spoke with the fellas so I didn't hear everything they said. Salad Jesse Raphael and I are in the messy exit club together.

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  3. Ana, what is it like being the mother of a man who got to star alongside Hidalgo, everyone's favorite historical horse?


    Oh Viggo loved that horse, don't you know. It usually takes Viggy a while to get out of character, sometimes more than a year. So after shooting wrapped, he kept trying to sneak into TJ's stables (TJ is the horse that played Hidalgo). Finally after being arrested 4-5 times, TJ put a retraining order on my Viggy, which was just heartbreaking. But after he started shooting his next film, he forgot all about horses and got super into gun violence.

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  4. Gang, I have a confession to make...Hayes and Sean guessed correctly. I am really Viggo Mortensen's mom. He is such a hip young man, and a real comedy nerd, so he listens to this podcast and got me into it. He exposes me to so much fun pop culture stuff. When he was married to Exene, we used to listen to the punk rock music all the time and I just loved it. I was so sad when they split up. My grandson, Henry is such a little cool guy too. Feel free to call me Mrs. Mortensen from now on.


    By the way, here's a little secret scoop for all of my forum pals:

    My convo was edited a bit because we got real political at one point. H+S asked me about Arizona politics and I mentioned that Arizona should just open the borders and stop trying to keep Mexicans out. Anyway, I'm glad they edited that out. It was not at all funny.

    • Like 13

  5. Holy shit, she's so cute! Maude is the perfect name for her because she is a precious grandma (and she seems to be suicidal). I don't know a lot about cat diseases, but my dog had pancreatitis once and he's doing fine now. Hopefully she'll come around and remember food is delicious. Are they sure the problem is pancreatitis and hyperthyroidism and not bad teeth or hemobartonella? I only ask because a lot of my cats have had issues with those things, and they all stopped eating as a result. But maybe that's just a cat go-to. My cousin had cat trouble this weekend too when the neighbor's dogs attacked her cat and broke it's leg. The owner is refusing to help because she's made of trash.


    Oh no! Your poor cousin's cat! That must have been so scary. What a horrible water trash neighbor!


    Haha! She is a little old suicidal lady. We named her after Harold and Maude and it seems like she's living up to her name (although she hasn't slept with any young male cats recently). I'm not sure that it's pancreatitis that's causing the problem. She's definitely nauseated (she gags a little when she smells food), but the anti-nausea medicine they gave us hasn't changed anything. I'll ask the vet about her teeth and hemobartonella. Hyperthyroidism is supposed to make cats eat more...so this is definitely a curious situation.

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    What happened to your kitty, Anastasia? If posting a picture of the ki-ki, pre-ki-ki helps, please do so.


    Thanks, Valerie.

    This is Maude. She's 12 years old and she is an adorable little lover. She is in no way graceful. She forces herself on you and will yell at you if you are not petting her (i.e., kinda rapey). She sleeps on my pillow next to my head or on my chest every night. We found out on Friday that she has hyperthyroidism and pancreatitis, which is making her nauseous so she doesn't want to eat. Her not eating is giving her liver problems. So we are giving her meds and essentially force feeding her every 4-5 hours. If she doesn't start eating on her own soon, we may have to hospitalize her. :(






    And here's Maude listening to the vet giving her bad news.



    EDIT: Just in case you were wondering:


    Some of Maude's nicknames are Miss Maudie Atkinson, Maude the Bod, Maudie too hotty, Maudre, Pumpkin.

    • Like 5

  7. We need to create a questionnaire for new forumers to fill out. An example would be:




    Relationship status:

    Facebook Link:

    Sean or Hayes?

    Do you have a cat?

    Can I see your D (dad)?


    Good idea, VB.

    Ok. I'll start. Prepare your jaws for dropping...


    Name: Anastasia

    Age: 33

    Relationship status: Married

    Facebook Link: No Facebook, but you can look at my cat photos on instagram.

    Sean or Hayes? Hayes....but also Sean too.

    Do you have a cat? 2 cats

    Can I see your D (dad)?


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