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Posts posted by Casaba

  1. PVX is a virus, I'm not a pathologist but this project just fell into my lap so I'm doing the bioinformatics as an appendix to my masters. Nerd shit that isn't cool and won't get me any run-off p.


    Theeeeeeeeeeaaaaaannnnks. That's my incredulous look. Like, "da fuq is dis shii?" I hesitate to put a real picture of my dumb face on the internets cause I don't have cool make-up like greggy.


    P.S. totes not tough. rugged potato farming makes it seem that way tho. just a real chill dude who likes to chill and rock a mean five o clock shadow.


    "My name is Bruce. I fuck with viruses. I pull potatahs from the earth with my bare man hands. My beanie and five o clock shadow make me look like a longshoreman. And I can chill harder than a motherfucker." <-- This will get you the run-off p.


    But I like hearing about the nerd stuff. Good luck with your virus.

    • Like 6

  2. Um, guys, this forum is feeling dry as a bone recently.


    My life is currently unbearable and I've been using this forum (and beers) to escape into a fantasy world. Thus, we need to spice this place up a bit so I don't have to think about my shitty real life. Here are my suggestions for some fun ways to get this pot boiling:

    1.) Post a photo of your stepmom or stepdad.

    2.) Tell a traumatic story from your childhood.

    3.) Share a project that you're working on (even if it's just a nugget of an idea)


    What do you think?

    • Like 5

  3. I enjoyed hearing the real and emotional moment when Sean was on the phone with his mom's boyfriend.


    Sean, buddy, I've been there too. I was a child of divorce. It'll get easier, lil guy. Hang in there and don't be afraid to let him into your heart. It sounds like he's trying.


    But when he leaves your mom, and he will, he is leaving you too. Then you should decide to be a loner who trusts no one and pushes everyone away before they have the chance to hurt you. You can never let yourself be vulnerable again.

    • Like 7

  4. I put in the first two Victor and Tiny episodes. The first Claudia O'Doherty. Cake Boss exorcism. Wompler's Birthday. 5th Anniversary special. Yoke Jams with Pardo and Bob Ducca. One of the Horatio Sanz, and both parts of Oh Golly.


    I think Andy Daly has the lock on number 1, maybe number 2. Its a race for 3-10 this year.


    Yoke Jams! That was such a good episode. Damn.

  5. Ok. Here's my list (in chronological order). Now, there were a lot of good ones that I had to leave off and it broke my heart. But I'm really interested to hear what everyone else thought were the top ten.


    #265 Live at RIOT LA (PFT and Lapkus final sentiment off!!! + first JW Stillwater)

    #285 Solo Bolo (I know this is controversial, but I love Benny Schwaz and Scott together)

    #289 Exorcism of Cake Boss (PFT is of course great as Rev Parsimony and I love Matt Gourley)

    #300 Oh Golly you devil (an incredible display of Andy Daly's talents)

    #301 They're Twins Jonah (Victor's podcast killed me! I have never laughed so hard)

    #304 Womplar's Six Flags Birthday (What can I say...I love a log flume ride)

    #306 Project Funway (DSOWD sound like they have so much fun together... plus the Walter White joke was great)

    #309 Tony Macaroni (I needed to get at least one Claudia O'Doherty appearance in here. I'd say she's the breakout CBB guest of the year)

    #310 Little Button Puss (John Gemberling stole the show)

    #312 Grounded Me@ (I love Reardon and I love Hollywood Facts)


    Ok, where do you all agree and disagree?

    • Like 3

  6. Did you guys vote for the Best of 2014? I thought it was easy until I got down to my last 4 picks. Had to leave off some really good ones.


    This is a tough one. My favorite moment is probably the "final sentiment off" in episode 265 with PFT and Lauren Lapkus. But there are too many good episodes!


    I'm just gonna go back and listen to all of the episodes this year real quick to help me decide.

    • Like 3

  7. Hey you one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple.... POPCORN eaters?!?!?


    Due to some very mad people being upset about us not having any women in our Writers Panel, we found one woman who is a writer and it's even for the Mimby Project. Her name is Tracey Wigfield and she loves being asked a question for the Popcorn Gallery! She also wrote for 30 Rocks or Less and she was in Mimby Project as a kisser of Adam parly


    Dear Tracey,

    1. How did it feel to win your Emmy?

    2. Do you feel like the way the writers room was portrayed in 30 Rock was accurate? Why did the women writers never speak?


    EDIT: Man, my second question was a little mean. Sorry about that. I wrote it right before falling asleep last night and, i dunno, maybe I was in a weird headspace at the time, my job has been tough, and frankly, I should be more supportive of this woman in the industry, because she is doing great work and writing for other women, and really I enjoy the work she's done. So, keep up the good work, Tracey!

  8. 1. I woke up this morning with Charlie Murphy Brown's Gmail Roulette theme stuck in my head (which I rather enjoyed), and then I immediately thought, "Umkay..."


    2. Sometimes I wonder if Sean's forum posts are really done by Blenjamin. If so, hi Blenjamin. I hope you are hanging in there. It gets better, bud. You'll probably have your own reality show some day.


    3. I loved hearing Sam teach Hayes how to use a computer last week. And then Hayes took that knowledge and empowerment, and passed it along to Sean this week. So sweet!

    • Like 4

  9. At first I was really glad I decided to buy the pro version this week and was really excited about my new Writers Room job. But then The Writers Panel say I would take over writing for character Ghost Man on Work of Holics and I say no tanks because it is too scary. Now they say that I have to because I joined boy club and that no one gets out of boy club.


    I don't know what to do. I guess it just go's a show: becare full what you dream.


    After listening to this episode I was thinking that you received the best pro version prize, but now I see that this was some kind of monkey's paw torture situation. I'm sorry bro. Stay strong.

    • Like 4


    @ freja & AV

    can I also get a high five if I had unprotected sex once


    EDIT: just wanted to add that the whole ep I was thinking AV Club should really just be Anastasia's cool group & I want in. (bc her initials)


    I will not high five you, but I will let you know where you can go to get tested. I will hold your hand while you are getting your results. And then I will high five you when you are positive that you're not positive.


    RE My new club: MD you are now co-founder of the AV Club. We only want really cool people in this club and people who love puppies and kitties. Now we need matching jackets.

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