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Posts posted by Casaba

  1. 'sup guyz was expecting 2 boot up my cpu 2day and c all of your Popcorn Gallery Q'z dat I missed cuz I'm never involved in the forums on wknds. mayb insted we do a Popcorn Valerie and axe vb bout her bday bidet parties?


    Ok. Valerie, what dessert did you eat on your birthday? Do you go for standard birthday cake? Or did you mix it up with like a birthday eclair or something?

    • Like 2


    Sup guys I live in Santa Clara and do Improv classes Mondays in Fremont ;)/>/>))))))))


    So, can we initiate the Northern California chapter of the HH Forum Society? At meetings we'll just drink tea and misuse plurals together. As the 3 founders, our portraits will be painted and hung in our meeting hall.


    Also, I know this is several months away, but we should all go to some Sketchfest shows together.

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    Thanks for the happy b-days everyone (except Sean and Hayes). I'm glad everyone (except Sean and Hayes) cares about me.


    Anastasia, I live in Stockton. You probably don't know where that is, but it's about 90 minutes from SF.


    I love your story. You're clearly a very good writer and I love every detail you include. My favorite part of this one are the descriptions of Andrew's dancing. The visuals it created in my head were beautiful. Maybe it could end with Andrew being such a good dancer after training with Freja that he doesn't need Toby anymore? Or maybe Toby comes back to life when he puts on his leather jacket? Or maybe sex with Freja makes the guys fuse into one person permanently and it's the beginning of a beautiful friendship?


    A while ago I wrote a story about a ghost too: https://www.scribd.c...-UPDATED-script You don't have to read it, but if you do I would recommend skipping ahead and starting on page 17. That way it's less daunting and that's really when the story starts to get more entertaining, in my opinion.


    Valerie, I like this story a lot. I love the crazy heaven details and the narrator is great. Plus the dialogue felt very natural. I like how our "ghost stories" aren't very scary.


    I like the idea of Toby and Andrew fusing together. I will work on that story some more.


    Whoa, Stockton is pretty darn close. I'm in Oakland. We should grab a beer some time.

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    I liked this because too often I'll open up one of these scripts, Ctrl+F for "Andrew", and 0 results. In this one, I'm the star that I always knew I should be.


    (Are we supposed to give real notes? I have a real note but I don't want to kill the mood.)


    Sure, you can give real notes if you want. I'm always open to feedback.


    PS - I'm so glad you are happy to be in this one. I don't want to offend anyone. Has anyone been offended? Is this why Chanson hasn't been around much this week? If so, the lowest of sientos to you.

    • Like 1

  5. Is it VB's birthday? Happy Birthday!!



    well now that you bring it up, i'm in a major bind. i have a meeting with bustop the mystery exec TOMORROW and i have NOTHING to show him. i keep saying "ok tomorrow i'm going to sit down and write the next seinfeld or the next frasier or the next mike & molly" but then something comes up like the piggies get out of their pen or a tree falls on a cow and i have to put it down or i get drunk.


    and now i don't have any funny make-em-ups to put on the tv!!


    And you're welcome, TKS: https://www.scribd.com/doc/243367561/Ghost-Dancer-Episode-01


    I don't have an ending for it, so if anyone wants to help me write an ending or punch it up, I would love that. Also, any formatting tips are welcome.

    • Like 4

  6. i read through everyones things they wrote both this week and last and they all was funny. good job vb and greggy and cmb and av. you are all valued members of the community.


    TKS, first of all, thank you. Second, is this your way of asking us all to write stories about you so you can use all of our stories for a sitcom pitch you have lined up later this month?

    • Like 1

  7. I will be a Hogan's Heroes like Sean. Hayes wears his top hat low like Clint Eastwood. Clark shows us he's street. Costumes is fun. And are egging and TPing still acceptable Halloween activities?




    VB, yes I was absolutely thinking of Out of This World. Good call. And for the record, if Engineer showshowbro really is supposed to be the only Charlie on here, I would be willing to alter my name so that all is made right


    That little squirrel sitting on the back of the couch just killed me! Maybe I'll be him for Halloween.


    PS - There can be two Charlies. Just like there are two Joshes.

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  8. You should be Bowie. People will love it! Are you going to be shirtless? Are you going to wear tights?

    Oh! Or you can be Freddie Mercury. False buck teeth and a nice moustache! There's a million possibilities with rock stars. I've always wanted to be Jimmy Page in his dragon jumpsuit, but it might take me years to sew that.


    This year, I think I'm going to be either Nadine or Shelly from Twin Peaks, and my friend Nathaniel is going to be Log Lady.

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  9. My only objection is that knowing there will be an episode before it's released is a form of spoilies.


    Agreed! I like to be surprised when there's a b-b-b-bonus.

    And why do these episodes have names! That also spoils it. I knew sandwiches were going to play a role in this episode before I even started it!

  10. Does anyone else find it funny that the most common way we find out that there will be a b-b-b-bonus-s-s-s ep is that Scott says the plugs theme artist will be famous for less than one week?


    I like that Scott can't just say "You'll be famous for a week" if it's not true. He has to mean it. He's a pretty literal guy.

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    We're all not doing it because it's a literal physical embodiment of everything I find 'too scary'


    Plus I don't think i'll have any money to do anything fun :/




    I know Halloween can be scary but it can also be fun like doing movies. I know Halloween isn't movies, but it can be like the making of movies with costumes and characters.


    It can also be fun to just look at what is in your house and decide what to be based on what you already have. One year I was an Anthropology professor because I had some African fabrics and jewelry. I let my hair get big and frizzy and wore sandals with socks. I sort of made fun of myself with that costume, although I'm not really an Anthropology professor.






    I have my fall back skeleton costume. It was hand painted by my friend evey, which was sort of weird because it had to be painted while you actually wear it. So you had to be cool with painting dong area. (sorry my posts have been so dong related today... it's not really cool maybe?)


    A couple of years ago we all went as WWF wrestlers. I was gold dust which was horrible and I hated it but everyone else thought it was funny.


    When Libya had their revolution and killed Muammar Gadaffi, we took a suit and burned it up and added some shitty dictator type shades and had my friend AJ be 'Ommar Gadaffi' the recently escaped 1st coustin of Muammar.


    I like to reference things that I know no one will understand or get. Last year I really wanted to be the characters from the 2008 Australian MTV Movie Awards...


    maybe i'll do that this year?




    p.s. I could watch that video like 100 times.


    I like this video. I like the special effects. And that's one of my all time favorite songs. It is also pretty dong heavy with those white tights. That's ok though. Some times things gotta get dong-centric.


    Much like what writers often say, I like to say "costume what you know" (even if no one else will understand what you are).

    • Like 1

  12. AV, it's my favorite time of year too. I'm really annoying about it.... I wear boots even when it's still sunny and 70's, I bake something pumpkin or apple related every few days and try to hit up every hick fair in my area (it's Maine, so there are countless)... I keep picking up cheap harvest-themed trinkets every time I go to Rite-Aid because they're 50% off. My latest purchase was his and hers centaur-ish figurines but except for being half man-half horse they are half owl-half pumpkin and are wearing pilgrim clothes-- my boyfriend is just like "ummm errr I love them!! Yeah! These are great!!" every time I bring this cheap shit home.


    I'm gonna be a mail order bride for Halloween.


    Amazing! We are long lost sisters I think! I'm annoying about it too! Every time I leave the house I come back with some small decorative gourd or Halloween decoration. Our tiny apartment is filled with them. And I have plans this weekend to bake pumpkin bread and apple cinnamon rolls! I instantly crave pumpkin, apples, yams and butternut squash as soon as October arrives. Those owl/pumpkin/pilgrim figurines sound wonderful...and crazy. I love it!


    Mail order bride sounds fun. I can't wait to see photos. Are there stamps involved?


    I haven't decided what to be yet. I have pretty long wavy hair right now so I was thinking of using that. Joey Ramone? 80's Van Halen? I've also wanted to wear an eye patch, so maybe Snake Plissken or Nadine from Twin Peaks? But I might need to cut my hair for those. Dunno.


    What's your favorite past costume?

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  13. On the underground in London there's so many posters for the album release, and all I want to do is make this happen to all of them.

    And change the title to "Finger In My Pussy"

    And add "This Is Good Rock And Roll, Uh, Music" as a pull quote.

    It's not wrong to ruin advertising by making it better is it?


    I don't think anyone would blame you for wanting to do this. Go forth, and make it happen!

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  14. ETA: I'd like to initiate a huge round of applause for Anastasia and her new profile pic, well done, I bow to you etc.


    Thank you, Freja! I almost chose a cat in a witch costume, but it was way too s-s-s-scary!


    This is by far my favorite time of year and I want so badly to start a discussion about Halloween, so...will everyone be dressing up for Halloween? If so, what are you wearing?


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