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Posts posted by Casaba

  1. I find myself singing 'How to Act' everywhere. It's so catchy.


    I love this song! I sing it all the time like a crazy person.


    (I wonder why Kulap doesn't just say "stepfather" when she refers to the guy that raised her.)


    I think she considers him her real dad. For 14 years she thought he was her biological father. So, she probably just calls him her dad, but has to clarify "dad who raised her" now that she's met her biological father.

    • Like 1

  2. Mirror Pond is good. However, I prefer Black Butte Porter, probably my favorite beer, and Deschutes can do no wrong in my eyes. But they're from Oregon and therefore not as good.


    Best IPA I've had is Black Raven's Trickster. It's damn near perfect.


    This has been another episode of beer talk with Chanson.


    I love Black Butte Porter and I am very excited to try Black Raven's Trickster. I also love beer, and believe in the saying "the darker the beer the sweeter the juice." That's a saying right? I mean I like dark beers.


    Unfortunately, I am cutting down on beer in order to keep my girlish figure. It sucks. But I still treat myself from time to time.

    • Like 2

  3. @ anastasia – probly a buff baby with a big ‘ol man dong in my diaper. probly barf and lonestar. avon barksdale in a wet-suit with a flatscreen on it??? doing a segment called pimp my Halloween costume this week..


    I think you should go with Avon Barksdale in a wet-suit with a flatscreen on it. It's fun but it'll make the kids think too. It's conceptual.

    • Like 2


    Thanks a lot! And thanks for not including any of the forum ladies in your list. I mean... have you even seen Anastasia's pic? It's some chubby kid with a cat-- what's not to love?!?! OFFENDED GOOD BYE I'M TEAM JOE MCGURL NOW


    And how could you not want to be best friends with Freja! Her photo is god damn majestic!


    Maybe the ladies make Tim uncomfortable.

    • Like 5

  5. Sweet episode! Also sweet, how Scott references NNF a tiny bit.


    Exploring the Superego site now. But it's a little confusing jumping in the middle trying to figure the show out. Is there a link to a podcast feed (non-iTunes) or do you just have to download the episodes from the site? I seem to have trouble playing those files because my browser keeps messing up the download or something.


    You can listen to all of season 3 on soundcloud:


    Anastasia, speech impediment is not movies but funny talking is comedy and comedy is movies unless it's on tv because tv is small movies. YouTube is can be movies too.


    PS - Speech impediment is disabilities though. Disabilities is funny unless it isn't funny which is why it isn't movies because comedy is movies, not disabilities.


    Ok. Got it.

    • Like 4

  7. Anastasia,


    Yes! I def will post some stuff.


    I'm a bit intimidated by the other Josh, who's arguably the original Josh on here, and plus he's real good at humor.


    On another subject, tangentially related to writing/comedy, is Sean's funny language problems getting worse? I mean, it's very good and funny, but I worry that it used to be all on purpose but now it's subtly infiltrating his genuine, candid speech patterns. Is that true, Sean?


    I know that for me just imitating the HH-speak, what started as an affect meant to garner good will among you nerds has already become frighteningly natural. Is this problems? Is original imporint?


    EDIT: Hayes, didn't mean to leave you out. Your funny talking is equally funny and good, I'm just less worried about you


    Is speech impediment movies?

    (That one's for Chanson)

    • Like 6

  8. AV & asteck & TT,


    I really love improv classes. I was far less certain about this writing class, but so far so good. Chicago is obviously just overrun with improvisers, with the iO & Second City being probably the most famous. I'm in level 3 at iO and i like it a lot.


    With io in particular--and I think with Chicago in general?--it seems like there's less of that suburban-mom-just-for-kicks & corporate-team-building-type stuff. At least, I haven't experienced it, and I was worried about classes being full of that stuff, and also precocious junior high kids. It's mostly twentysomethings who have at least some vague notion of maybe doing comedy more seriously, or even as a job (!). Although you guys are in the Bay Area (all 3 of you? That's super cool) so I'm sure there's a vibrant comedy scene.


    Anyway Tim, it's great, you'll love it. Worst that can happen is abysmal comedy. Just remember, you wanna get out there and let the audience know, "HEY I'M FUCKING HILARIOUS," cause if you don't, someone else will get all those tasty loffs. Also, Sufi weavers n some bullshit & don't TRY to be funny all the time, just be *honest* bc that's good & art. Look, I'm not a comedy scientist go read a fucking book


    Yeah, there's a good local comedy scene in the Bay Area, but it's mostly stand up (which I enjoy). My improv classes have been mostly tech employees learning to be social and older people without much to do. There are just a few of us serious peeps sprinkled in there. You're lucky in Chicago. That's a great place for comedy/improv. If you write something that you like, would you be willing to share it with us?

    • Like 2



    Alright... So


    This first submission was actually made a long time ago. It's crazy when you live by yourself and you're single how much shit you can get done.


    This was around the time when Black Swan came out, and it was a short film inspired by such...







    This is also a random thing I tried to do with my friend sean who now lives in Australia. This one time this old guy Doug who lived in the same building as us ate like a whole jug of maraschino cherries and vomited all over this girl at the bar.


    So this was mildly inspired by that.





    I hope to see some shit you guys have done!


    Let the film festival begin?


    You do nice work, Josh. Can I call you Josh?

    Hilarious and frightening at the same time.

    • Like 3


    I don't yet hate myself enough to make the commute from the south bay up to SF every week, so I went with Made Up Theater in Fremont.


    I'm very excited for you. I think you'll enjoy it and you already have some pro tips from S + H, so I'm sure you will be king of your class. By the way, BATS often has classes in Palo Alto if for some reason you don't like Made Up Theater. But in the first few foundation classes, it's all the same really.


    I wish I could pop down to LA for 6 weeks and take some classes at UCB.

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