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Posts posted by PatrickMichaelMeyer

  1. People do say 2015 will be the Year of 4K. I think that's a fine goal indeed.


    Personally, my New Year's Resolution is 640x280. A squat year with little interesting detail, but anybody with a decent dial-up connection can be a part of it.


    I'm going full bore...Dual Screen in 2015! 1920x1080 x 2 + some serious vape clouds (Red Bull flavored) + my stepmom's basement + some straight up 1099'ed programming work from that Korean Day Spa located in the strip mall down the street = Amazing 2015.

    • Like 2

  2. Not sure if any of you caught it but the other day S & H almost accidentally played 'Would You Rather' (a popular game on another Earwolf 'cast that we don't have to mention here). It got me thinking about another game the guys could play that wouldn't encroach on 'Would You Rather' and save them from the embarrassment... SO, I humbly propose 'Would You Rav4'. It's a great game where one imagines themselves in a scenario where they maybe forgot where they parked their G-Wagon, perhaps lost the proximity key for their Tesla, or misplaced their chauffeur because he went to find you a hotdog and that was like 3 hours ago so they are forced to decide whether or not they will drive a Toyota Rav4. Here's a scenario: you arrive in Tokyo for your press junket on the new Nolan (Ryan) film you just wrapped and you head straight for the car rental place but they are all out of luxury rentals...here's the big question... Would you Rav4?

    • Like 10

  3. Has anyone else noticed the striking similarity between the HH forum and Peter Pan?


    Hayes is Peter Pan.


    Sean is Captain Hook


    Engineer Sam is Smee.


    Valerie B is Tinkerbell, Freja is one of the hot mermaids (more like all 3).


    Agata is Wendy.


    We are all the Lost Boys.


    And as of this past episode Tim Treese is the hollowed out tree stump that everyone shits into.

    • Like 15

  4. Matt: I once attended a party at your house that was advertised as "planning to have endless Molly and Addy". Why weren't you more up-front in letting us know that you meant your American Girl dolls would be out and free for us to play with?


    Par & Claire: What do you say to the pundits who are calling you guys "Just taller Amy Poehler and Tina Feys". Followup: I loved you both on SNL.

    • Like 1

  5. won't someone PLEASE ask a question of john cochran the survivorman




    You have been heralded as a myriad of great descriptors by the international media over the years --- World Class writer, Super Survivor, et al.


    But I'd like to focus on your work as one of our country's greatest 'Millennials' .... Would you be able to help me figure out how to take a screenshot on my Apple Macintosh Computer?


    I thought it was just the print screen button but I can't locate that on my keyboard.

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    I found a secret compartment with a bloody clown wig. There's also a pay stub for 3 first class tickets to Cabo paid with my credit card. This is bigger than just Patsmear.


    Okay Mr. Smarty-Parties... Greggy, you want to go ahead and field this one?


    Bruce R-SQUARED2 feel free to chime in...it was your idea in the first place.

    • Like 1

  7. Android, and it is pretty slow. Probably an old O.S. I think someone from the forum is behind this.




    Here's what you do. Log on to gazelle.com and request a prepaid envelope. I'll bring it to you (since I was the one who kidnapped and buried you) just toss your old phone in there, seal it and send it back. You could then earn $100, $200, up to $300 dollars for your old phone! Even if the screen is cracked. OK? I buried you in front of a Home Depot so you could fer sure use that money to hire some day laborers to dig you out. Just yell really loud in Spanish.

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