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Everything posted by slinky

  1. It would've been nice for the guests to put in a bit of effort for this one.
  2. Here's hoping that the How to Dismantle episode has extensive coverage of this classic scene
  3. slinky

    Episode 26 β€” The Middle East

    This episode is so fantastic. My favourite of the first two seasons.
  4. And the point is that these shows are targeted to those racists.
  5. slinky

    Episode 32 β€” 88 Minutes

    This is definitely my favourite episode and the one that I recommend to people as a way to get into the show.
  6. Also I hope that they devote a lot of time to the legendary Weirder Scott Tangelo parody when they get to How to Dismantle.
  7. I swallowed my toothpaste at "Daddy daddy sing. Daddy sing louder."
  8. slinky

    Episode 148 β€” Wipeout!

    Wow. What an episode. Definitely a "treat for the fans". It doesn't get much better than the ending of this one.
  9. slinky

    Episode 146 β€” Climbing the Ladder

    Great episode. Everyone plays off each other so well. This is what I come to CBB for.
  10. This was a great one. Lots of laughs and a great character that was brought back for ADPPP.
  11. Matthew, please reference the post above you.
  12. slinky

    Episode 121 β€” Bro-ing Out

    I really enjoyed this episode. No characters and just straight up broing out. I really enjoy Pardo. I should get into NNF.
  13. Everyone's firing on all cylinders in this episode. I can see why it was a divisive episode but I really enjoyed it.
  14. They were stupid examples of cities but the point is still valid.
  15. slinky

    Episode 7 β€” Gender

    Oh man. This is quickly becoming my favourite Earwolf podcast.
  16. So excited for next week!
  17. slinky

    The Forum Forum

    You're a hero Gabe. Thanks!
  18. slinky

    The Forum Forum

    Is there a reason why there is a limit to the number of posts that you can "like" in a day? I was going through an old thread and quickly started getting a "You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day" message. Found it a little strange.
  19. When did this become a U2 podcast?
  20. slinky

    Episode 376 β€” Being White in Philly

    Earwolf studio location hint.
  21. slinky

    Episode 100 β€” The Big One-Oh-Oh

    Oh man. I wish that we could see some of those sunburn art photos.
  22. slinky

    No Hold Barred Corrections and Omissions

    These are all amazing.
  23. Yeah. I hope that my bumping of these old threads isn't getting too annoying. Lots of great stuff in these vaults.
  24. The birth of U Talkin' U2 to Me?