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Posts posted by phoenixclap

  1. I totally agree minjujube! I used to be interested in the MBTI and I read 'Gifts Differing' etc. So I share your frustration in listening to the guest talk about 'perfect personalities' and guessing preferences based on superficial impressions.


    I know that the MBTI itself isn't particularly scientifically credible (I think I read that only the E/I preference is), but it's still a valuable model. I was waiting for her to explain its usefulness, and even the auxiliary functions, but I'm tempted to assume that she doesn't understand the model to that depth. A shame. You should be a guest.

  2. I'm an old Tim fan and a current Blastronaut. I woke up this morning and for the first time in a long time had a Tim song in my head, so spent about half an hour going from Youtube clip to Youtube clip. Now tonight, I see that the guest is Tim! A lot of Tim all in one day to make up for years of neglect.
