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Everything posted by smitty

  1. smitty

    EPISODE 108 — Con Air LIVE!

    Wha? I don't get that feeling at all.
  2. smitty

    Should Earwolf release shirts...to honor Harris?

    Earwolf keeping some of the profits wouldn't bother me at all. I'm sure Harris would have been cool with it too.
  3. And Harris' "we're done" bail on the bit followed by Scott's exasperated "WOW!" was fucking hilarious.
  4. What. The. Fuck. Listening to this episode as they're discussing Raisin In the Sun and literally as they say the name "Phylicia Rashad" I look at Twitter and her name is trending. FREAKING ME OUT BRO.
  5. smitty

    R.I.P. Harris Wittels

    Nothing to really say that hasn't already been said, other than I believe I started listening to CBB in late 2013/early 2014, which means I haven't even known who Harris Wittels was for that long, on top of never having met him personally. And yet I've still thought about his death a lot every day since it happened. It's kind of amazing how profound of an effect just listening to someone on some podcasts can have. And fuck, I'm gonna miss the guy. This just sucks so much.
  6. smitty

    R.I.P. Harris Wittels

    Still doesn't seem real.
  7. smitty

    R.I.P. Harris Wittels

    It's easier for people to "blame" the deceased than to face the reality that death does not only come for people who somehow brought it on themselves. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just-world_hypothesis
  8. smitty

    R.I.P. Harris Wittels

    You must be that guy.
  9. smitty

    R.I.P. Harris Wittels

    I don't want to sound like I'm making this about me or my enterainment needs, but man, it is genuinely crushing that I will never be able to listen to his stuff the same way ever again. Whenever I crack up at Harris' Foam Corner it will be with the thought that we'll never hear this brilliant guy again.
  10. smitty

    R.I.P. Harris Wittels

    You should feel that way regardless.
  11. smitty

    R.I.P. Harris Wittels

    Well I'm gonna go curl up in a ball somewhere for the weekend. Goodbye.
  12. smitty

    R.I.P. Harris Wittels

    This is just awful. I saw people tweeting "RIP So sorry Scott" at Aukerman last night but assumed it was some kind of joke. I have not been this devastated about the death of someone I don't know in...ever?
  13. 1:30 into it and can't stop laughing.
  14. smitty

    Episode IV - A New Hope

    "So then...he became the Hulk"
  15. I've got you right where I want you, Mr. Bond. Now off with those pants and obey RoboCop.
  16. Thanks for keeping us posted. I know I was dying to hear which podcasts RicketyCricket plans to keep following. Seriously, why not just go listen to something else? Why do you have to come here and trash their work first? If LL or anyone involved with the show actually reads these boards, please do not let people like this change this great show.
  17. smitty

    Episode 331 — Secret Superlatives

    LL not satisifed being the 2014 undisputed champ of the podcast world, going hard for the repeat.
  18. My name is Ozymandias, king of kings - Look on my works, ye Mighty, and dis pear. You seen dis pear? MMM dis pear look yummy, ain't it?
  19. Hey baby I hear the blues a-callin', tossed salad and scrambled eggs!
  20. smitty

    Episode 329 — Too Much Tuna Tour

    At what point are they trashing Zmuda? I missed it.
  21. With success comes dickhead fans. The way it is and always will be.
  22. Damn, was really hoping this was a Solo Bolo just for the whining that would ensue from that guy who demanded there never be another one.
  23. smitty

    Episode BO2014.4 — Best of 2014 Pt 4

    Good list, I just wish one of Lapkus' episodes was #1, since this was clearly the Year of Lapkus for CBB/Earwolf.
  24. What's the 'sclusie Gary Busey?