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Merkin Muffley

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Posts posted by Merkin Muffley

  1. .

    sometimes they produce good tv shows like "Schitt's Creek" but for every "Schitt's Creek" there is a show like "Corner Gas" that is just plain garbage.

    I enjoyed Corner Gas, some of the characters were annoying at times, and others, annoying all of the time, but there was still something about the show I really liked.

    I watched the first episode of Schitt's Creek and lost track of how many times I cringed, I really hated that show.

  2. Have you ever watched a movie that was a real stinker, tired premise, bad acting, ridiculous dialog, and an anthropomorphic, talking beaver as a main character, then, as soon as it was over gone online to read reviews, only to find a lot of people thought it was a great movie?

    Well this just happened to me with the movie Phil the Alien (2004), written, directed and staring Rob Stefaniuk.

    The premise of the movie is the tired old, alien crash lands on Earth and has misadventures while learning human ways.

    The acting, well just look at the picture on the box cover, Rob Stefaniuk is wearing that expression though a good part of the movie, so we know how scared and out of place he is here on Earth.

    Did I mention that one of the main characters is a talking beaver, voiced by SCTV alumnus Joe Flaherty?

    The thing that impresses me the most, was not how bad this low budget Canadian film is, but how much many people seemed to like it. 5.4/10 from 659 users on IMDb and 57% on Rotten Tomatoes although there were only 7 votes counted, and Amazon has it at 3.1 stars.







  3. This is one I won't even try and watch before the podcast. Don't care about the movie and I don't care if the podcast spoils the ending for me. The six or seven minutes I spent on IMDb reading about the movie was enough to convince me I have no interest in this film.

    The good thing about the podcast is that it is always funny and enjoyable even if I don't have two shits to rub together for the movie they're discussing.

  4. I was listening to Gilbert Gottfried's latest Amazing Colossal Podcast! and his guest Alan Zweibel talked about a movie he wrote named North.


    For a cast it has such notables as Elijah Wood, Jason Alexander, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and Bruce Willis.


    The Director was Rob Reiner who gave us plenty of incredible films.


    The best part is Roger Ebert review, which Alan Zweibel still carries in his wallet and read on Gilberts podcast.


    I hated this movie. Hated hated hated hated hated this movie. Hated it. Hated every simpering stupid vacant audience-insulting moment of it. Hated the sensibility that thought anyone would like it. Hated the implied insult to the audience by its belief that anyone would be entertained by it.


    I hold it as an item of faith that Rob Reiner is a gifted filmmaker; among his credits are "This Is Spinal Tap," "The Sure Thing," "The Princess Bride," "Stand By Me," "When Harry Met Sally...," and "Misery." I list those titles as an incantation against this one.


    "North" is a bad film - one of the worst movies ever made. But it is not by a bad filmmaker, and must represent some sort of lapse from which Reiner will recover - possibly sooner than I will.

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  5. While I have, on occasion, jerked off while listening to the show, I'd like to make it clear, that I have never, jerked it to the show. Sometimes while listening, I need to find something to do with my hands, and well, the one just always finds it way down there. I also tend to watch porn without the sound and find myself grabbing my mp3 player and catching up on my favorite podcasts. It's the closest thing I can do to multitasking.



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  6. When this movie came out I was ready to like it, I wanted to like it, I even tried to like it. Unfortunately there's just not anything there to like. I even rented the VHS, even though I'd seen it in the Theater, thinking I must have been in a bad mood, or something the first time I saw it.

  7. I hope no one thinks I was defending this movie. I think it portrays a warped and distorted reality thats meant to be as much propaganda as entertainment. The very plot of them film is written to be a polemic against the growing number of outspoken atheists, Christians are now facing.

    Even though I no longer share the beliefs of the fundamentalists I grew up with, I still do understand the mindset. Can I get an Amen?

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  8. I've not seen the movie, and doubt I could stomach it, even if I tried.

    It's pretty clear that this movie is just there, preaching to the choir. And from what I hear the Conservative Evangelical (Fundie), crowd are really pleased with it.

    This really is the way they think the world works.

    Atheists are all angry people, who know, down deep inside, that there is a god.

    Their just mad because they love their sin, so they claim to not believe in god, in order to reject his rules.


    Evangelicals, also, have a real distrust of secular, higher education.

    Far too many of them send their kids off to collage only to have the kids lose their faith, or, almost as bad, become liberal Christians who doubt the Bible is the inerrant "Word of God".

    My mother, for instance, really did believe professors, at secular universities, did this kind of thing to Christian students all the time.


    Hollywood, usually doesn't portray Christians, or any devout religious character, in a very positive light.

    Almost anytime I see a person of faith in a movie they're, hypocritical, extremist or mentally unstable in some way.

    As a former Conservative Evangelical, I can sympathize with how disenfranchised, Christians feel by Hollywood.

    This is a movie for them, the Christian is a person of courage and integrity, who stands up to the stronger, villain and prevails. This movie is a modern, retelling of David and Goliath!

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