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Everything posted by JordanRaichle

  1. JordanRaichle

    Fluke (1995)

    The 1995 film that Jack Frost completely ripped off but exchanged the dog for a snowman. It would be worth it just to see June's reaction to another zombie-esque dad movie. Also see Samuel L. Jackson as an anthropomorphized St. Bernard named Rumbo.
  2. I'm here. I'm queer. Make like a pickle and 'dill' with it.
  3. JordanRaichle

    The Lawnmower Man (1992)

    There needs to be more people talking about this movie. It's a movie that borders between good-bad and just bad. The virtual reality scenes, while kind of cutting-edge at the time but not really, are just laughably bad by today's standards. And I felt that Jeff Fahey gave an awesome performance. He was a very convincing mentally disabled man turned genius omnipotent maniac. I also agree that the controversy around using a Stephen King novel and his namesake for marketing, and then totally mutilating the story sans one scene, makes this movie even more interesting.
  4. JordanRaichle

    Fluke (1995)

    I also watched this movie as a kid, and unfortunately just rewatched it to see how truly horrible it was. I remember it being jarring and morbid, and the tombstone scene explains a recurring nightmare I had as a child. I agree the plot point of the dog dad planning to murder his killer was pretty messed up for a children's movie. And what about the dynamic of dog dad becoming the family pet of his bereaved family? Not to mention the Samuel L. Jackson dog being shot and coming back as a squirrel, then trying to explain reincarnation to Fluke and the child audience. I'm wondering how much of the $15 million budget went to convincing Samuel L. Jackson to lend his voice to this abomination.