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Everything posted by Professor69

  1. Professor69

    Escape From L.A. (1996)

    I agree this should be done soon. What a colossal mishmash of crap that's almost enjoyable.
  2. Professor69


    If Paul doesn't win quote of the year for his immortal line, "Where does the ass start?" then I can only assume Putin has hacked the voting system and the whole thing is invalid.
  3. Has he been in one yet? There are so many classics. Earth Girls Are Easy. Independence Day. The Fly. Transylvania 6-5000. I know he was on The League, but come on. He's greatly weird.
  4. Professor69

    The Tooth Fairy

    Dwayne "the baddest muther-fucker on the planet" Johnson, in a tu-tu. What more need be said?
  5. Professor69

    Anything with Jeff Goldblum

    I totally agree The Fly was great. But it was also bat-shit insane, which seems part of the criterea for selecting movies. That scene where he pukes on his food and then starts to eat it? He says to his leading lady, "Oh, that was probably disgusting," or something like that. Truly freaky.
  6. Professor69

    Escape From L.A. (1996)

    Totally horrible schlock. The first one was so great but the sequel was just mind-numbingly bad and yet still entertaining. Talk about a ripe movie. This one is juicy.