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Obi Wan Disrobi

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Everything posted by Obi Wan Disrobi

  1. Obi Wan Disrobi

    Episode 82 — Kotter Talk

    Diggin' the new group and adventures. I love Blaine as the DM. The flavor he adds to the creature reactions and battle happenings is just hilarious. I haven't had a chance to listen to #81 yet, but I am hoping the random wandering eventually sprouts into a storyline with an actual goal or protagonist. So far, it's just been one big random meandering encounter to another. Several times, i thought it might splinter off into an actual campaign, like when they found those cool items in the Roc nest, or the nasty little critters attacking them in the forest, or the funny little cart driver that I was hoping would be some sort of yoda-like character until he became Roc Chow. I need someone like Venger or Sauron driving the storyline and making all this killing meaningful, giving all of this talent focus and purpose. At least it's better than continual arena fights. Nothing bothers me more than games I've played where that's all anyone wants to do. Keep up the good work, Lady & Gents!
  2. Obi Wan Disrobi

    Episode 74 — New Beginning

    Well, turned 40 today, and it was a total crap birthday. Not the age thing, but the fact that I spent it trying to coax down a girlfriend suffering a massive panic attack and nobody really wanting to go out and do anything. Highlight of the day has been a new episode of Nerd Poker. Even more uplifting is the fact that you all rolled new characters and seem to be having fun getting into them. I am digging the new take and new characters. I am going to miss the Old lot, and campaign, but this seems like it will be a good little break, until they return. It is going to be nice seeing how Blaine handles the DM duties in comparison to Sark. I can't wait for more. Been meaning to post on the forums sooner. Really meant to last week to voice my hopes for new characters rather than drag the old group in a new direction. Went ahead and did so this week to thank you for being the best birthday gift my aging ass got today. Not a pity party, just thankful this podcast kicks so much ass every week.