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Charlie Murphy Brown

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Everything posted by Charlie Murphy Brown

  1. I enjoyed this ep because it was subtle like good pork rinds. so much fun. Alex (ander) was (the) great
  2. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 135 - Jon Daly, Our Close Friend

    Yea I just saw that one. It wasn't great. Ricky Gervais, Paul Giamatti, William H. Macy, have you all seen their TV spots? It's so painful to watch these ads. When Tina Fey and Ellie Kemper sell shit it's at least mildly enjoyable and good for a laugh or two. Maybe we're all spoiled by HH's groundbreaking commercial stylings. Perhaps it would beehive H&S to start up a UC Berkeley for doing hilarious improvised commercials. Then they could turn it into a manual and sell it for 5 bucks at live shows and on their website. improv4advertisers...
  3. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 135 - Jon Daly, Our Close Friend

    yes, Jon always brings in a massive line-up. H&S would easily overpower the room, even with blue skies also, how do we think the boys would stack up back in the Jordan-era of podcasting? nba playoffs & all
  4. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 135 - Jon Daly, Our Close Friend

    Guys I finally finished all the reality show shows. guess I really wasn't a true fan of HH but now officially am re-listening to old eps and Sean did the welcome to...red carpet lined back hallways part in the first episode so full circle on that. but why am I telling you this when it's obvious common knowledge? not sure. All I learned from hearing H&S do podcast is real laughs are bad, hold them in. phony laughs is good because the extremity of the phony laughing becomes very fun to do. also don't be mean unless it's in a battle of wits (like Allison Rich) and then all bets are off. and if you make a person buss their shit up you win. best example probably Maria Thayer this ep was food. kind of could be like rafflecast Johnny's Bananas season 5
  5. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 134 - Far East Movement, Our Favorite Band

    post 134 of episode 134. Serendipity is an okay john cusack film
  6. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 134 - Far East Movement, Our Favorite Band

    These was great show, enable me to survive. Buddha be praised, donuts be glazed, only seldom sprinkled
  7. Charlie Murphy Brown

    EPISODE 133 β€” Alison Rich, Our Close Friend

    the discussion of whether this week's forum was any good, was very good. pauly shore ep is still great and H&S continue to build a strong list of close friends and repeat guests and I love it. But what do you all suppose will be HH's wtfobama thing where it's like holy shit did that just happen? Scharpling was lots of fun, but I heard this andy breckman person on dave hill's wfmu show and he is the spitting auditory image of Tom, no doubt just your standard east coast american. It probably ties back to Lenny Bruce and tenement housing. So who would be the ultimate supreme corker? Galifianakis, Ronna & Beverly, martha plimpton...
  8. Charlie Murphy Brown

    EPISODE 133 β€” Alison Rich, Our Close Friend

    Wow, a veritable plethora of cornucopias! Damn Alison had that "animals in comedy" line locked and loaded. that was smooth. Maybe there is still hope (...or some shit) and I WISH it was 92 cuz I have a honda accord and chevy caprice wagon from 92 so i would have 2 new cars. duh. Ep-wise tho perhaps everyone was just a bit too smart, present and eager to listen. but yeah, wow
  9. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 131 - Jake and Amir, Our Close Friends

    Sean totally snuck a what up what up right in there before Hayes got his bit of the opening barely even started. This is a new development in the ongoing saga that is "the intro: a crusade for what up." And did he also hijack throwing to the break? Jake & Amir were good for basically being enemies of earwolf. Some truly unruly boundary pushing podness
  10. Wait til Carrie Anne Moss gets a load of Hayes & his new trench coat. This whole week was amazing & just the best
  11. Charlie Murphy Brown

    EPISODE 128 β€” Adam Sachs, Our Cool Bossfriend

    whatever yea you wish. your heart is full of piss. you probly will develop an irregular heartbeat from stress eating white chocolate and then die when you're 99 and your little weasel grandkids put 10K down in Vegas on you to make it to 100 and so instead they have to get real jobs like sound engineer and turn into upstanding citizens you veggie eating penis wrinkle. So take THAT to the bank and deposit it into savings cuz you have no friggin clue about surviving in a capitalist society.
  12. Charlie Murphy Brown

    EPISODE 128 β€” Adam Sachs, Our Cool Bossfriend

    wull I say MC Sewerpan you smell like straight garbage and manure man. What's that there a brain? Oh interesting cuz you must poop pastel playdough or be like look at my luxurious large intestines huh? Who do you even think you are, some valid vibrant human being with a right to be do free speech & such? Yea, thas wut i thot. this ep had some moments. but I haven't been to starbucks in many years so this all is very fresh & new
  13. but for really tho, Brett has been being very good for sure. Scripps lucked out with this scrappy crew of engineers. Ep was so hot, just one long perpetual smile
  14. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 126 - Julie Klausner Again, Our Close Friend

    Yes Celine Dion is the sun, and we her earth moon satellites, spinning wildly in this symphonic stew of sound, words, noises & abstract voices. This ep was funny ass shht! H&S is big time charmers, Julie is a fine muse
  15. Charlie Murphy Brown

    EPISODE 124 β€” Big Apple Bible, Episode 1

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6APrX1YR6s and tanks for deciding to do the No, You Shut Up midroll copy. I was having zero luck locating it on my fm dial
  16. Charlie Murphy Brown

    EPISODE 119 β€” Friends, Our Close Friends

    Apparently is also into golf. We all need an outlet. Except CFSL who prolly runs on 48 D batteries and Tobasco. Great ep!
  17. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 116 β€” Cartoons, Our Close Friends

    from the classic feelm american graffitis. congrats to Brett and Adbot, may they know 100 years of blissed out love
  18. Charlie Murphy Brown

    EPISODE 103 β€” Allan McLeod, Our Close Friend

    Brandon Content (theme audio) feat. Joe Wengert, Clem Dawg & Hayzie Bone Better late than never. That's the sound of course of the AIG jellyfish. Thanks all!
  19. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Circus House Music w/ CVP

    Featuring audio from CBB #277, Comedy Bang Me, with Chelsea Peretti, Paul Rust & Neil Campbell https://soundcloud.c...cus-house-music
  20. Fade to Black Sheep Squadron. Open on an empty VJ's funeral. Cut two huge pieces of cake. And just relax.
  21. that was some solid snΓΌs poppin' sharecroppin'
  22. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 96 β€” Tom Scharpling Again, Our Close Friend

    Just ran my car into the back of a truck who maybe got a slight ding in his bumper while my vehicle got clobbered. This was of course unintentional, I was actually aiming for the Sasquatch that I could swear was giving me the bird. Anyway, it is for moments like these that I save the Handbook for later in the week. Can't burn that good top quality podness so early in the week. Gawbless S&H, may they reign forever
  23. Me from Jersey me play joke, me put cinder block thru grandma's windshield
  24. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 91 β€” Tom Scharpling, Our Close Friend

    bes horseshit i ever heard. brap
  25. Sun times it were like lonesome dove, not the content but the duh livery. Beely Joel, Bobby D, that kid from Silver Spoons, the greatness of it all.