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A New Duck

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Posts posted by A New Duck

  1. Timing aside, I'm pretty sure the wrong way to go about getting anyone at Earwolf on board for a project is a petition. Suggestions on social media (like this forum!) are as good as anything. Petitions probably sound pushy. Especially when it's basically non-paying work for them.


    Scott and Scott know there's a huge podcast fanbase for their dynamic together. I'm pretty sure they know we'd be on board with an REM podcast, redoing the U2 discography, a band-a-week type show, an expanded "I Love Films," occasionally reconvening in response to U2 news, or even just an occasional bullshit sesh.

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  2. I think I've brought up Harris's observation on "Best Day of My Life" in multiple real-world conversations. Fuck tenses. Harris is the funniest guy. I already miss him very, very much.


    I had already relistened to some of the Whooch appearances, but this was a fitting tribute that really shows how moment-to-moment, Harris is just constantly sharp and shining.


    Thanks Ku, Brett, and the interns. My thoughts are with the whole Earwolf family.

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  3. This is devastating. Of all the comedy people I've come to love over the past few years, he was the one I most identified with and found the funniest. He's brought a lot of joy to my life, and I'm deeply sad for all of his loved ones.

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  4. I mean this as no kind of slight to the guests--who were all great; the whole show was!--but Scott's first few minutes of solo wheel-spinning at the top of this episode, developing a bit out of nearly every stray thought he had, made me realize I would absolutely be on board for a two-hour Hot Saucerman super-solo buper-bolo tour de force. His bullshit is the best bullshit.

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    I'm not so confident, if they come to Beantown I'll be there, but I also think Whooch makes more sense, because it would be odd to pay a bunch of money to hear howard just search for things to complain about that he ran into during travel from the last city. If they tour with just Howie, Kuku and Stard and conduct it as though its an episode of Whooch, by completing a few countdowns and ruminating on the subjects, and then taking audience questions for all 3 as the tweet chart, that could be great


    True. Whatever they do, it's gonna require some process tweaks.

  6. 1) Of course GotG isn't Howard's kind of movie, if he even has a kind of movie anymore! It's the exactly opposite of what he wants to see. And I didn't like it either.


    2) Still, I understand there's some delicate psychological things going on that make Howard want to keep distractions around and make him wary of committing to watching a movie, but I don't think any movie has ever looked great when half-watching it.

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  7. Love Andy Daly as a guest, though. He's just so charming!


    And he needs to get on U Talkin' U2 To Me? when his schedule clears up a little.


    I gotta say, as someone who has spent a lot of his adult life working behind counters, if I'm envisioning Howard's story properly, I would've reacted the exact same way the Walgreen's lady did.

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  8. Not that there's any reason anyone should care but I think I have to bail on this show for a while. Howard's just been drinking too much Haterade.

    They either need to kill the movie chart or someone has to challenge Howard on his position. Kulap or a guest or someone. It's getting really old for me.

  9. I loved this episode. Like, really loved it. Mike Hanford knocked it out of the park. His snowboard charac has been a longtime fav, and John Lennon is maybe even better. There's something about the focus of his characters I adore. And everyone else was an exemplary first timer, too, including our two musical guests.


    I do want to say that while I don't like it when people are really negative or pissy about not liking something (bringing a load of bile in here should never be cool), I don't think it's invalid to mention what didn't work for you about an episode. Rosebuddy got maybe a little snarky at the end of their initial comment, but it wasn't hateful, and they spent subsequent comments not really anteing up the rising tension in the thread. Meanwhile, a lot of people piled on to really agitatedly hold Rosebuddy in contempt. People tend to get passionate and personal about the podcasts and other media they listen to, even when it's free (for example, all the people whose lives are apparently shitty enough that they spend time talking about how much they like these things, or write angry posts about how people shouldn't post negative feedback). I don't think people should be rude or mean to the guests or hosts, especially not in the way of personal attacks, but mentioning that you don't really dig musician episodes is not invalid, I don't think. Unless the rule of the forum really is that only enthusiastic positivity is allowed.


    Obviously, people who don't like MUSICAL GUEST episodes are in the minority. And Scott & co. can continue doing the show exactly how they like to. But especially if a lot of the audience wasn't into it, maybe it'd be good to have that feedback? I don't know. At any rate, I'd love to even see American Football come back.


    I can't imagine how fun it must be to be a non-comedian fan of the show and then get the opportunity to be doing it.

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