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A New Duck

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Posts posted by A New Duck

  1. Yeah, that was really strange. I kept waiting for Scott to make the connection and it never happened.


    It's happened a couple times now, I think, and I wonder if it's not that Scott can't remember that it's Brendon Small, but that he can't remember that Small's character's name is Tiny.

  2. With the last episode coming out on Thursday, I don't know whether future episodes--as they happen to be slotted into Scotts' schedules--will drop on Wednesdays since there'll be less immediacy and urgency to get them out for relevance and promise-keeping, or whether they could just drop on any weekday. Checking my podcasts every morning with a little glimmer of hope (but most especially Wednesdays).

    • Like 2

  3. Was it just tripping over the tongue, or is Howard actually a Mobile Suit Gundam fan? Seems almost too make-'em-up for Howie, though.


    To make a post like this without listening to the entirety of the episode is the wisdom of a fool.


    But indeed. Mobile Suit Gundam is a thing. A specific superseries of giant "real robot" space opera anime starting from 1979 with new shows still being produced, and insanely popular in Japan.

  4. I'm almost done with my third front-to-back listen to the podcast (with a couple of favorite episode re-listens on top of that). When I'm done, I'll probably start the whole thing over again. Whenever I'm out of new CBB and Who Charted, this is my go-to. I may have a problem and be a very sad person.

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  5. Can't get enough of Howard and Scott's dynamic whenever they're on a show together. The way Scott digs at things Howard says in an entirely different way than Kulap's manner is great. Would really love to hear Scott and Kulap interact on mic more often too. All three of them have fascinating, entertaining dynamics with one another, so to put all three of them together always makes me happy. Throw Gino into the mix--who I'm convinced would suitably augment and enhance almost any CBB configuration--and this is one . The intern characters work amazingly well, because they can usually get involved with even other actors playing characters without it threatening too much disconnected character chaos.


    If we're lucky, maybe Nassau Community College will increase the mandatory hours for Gino's internship. Gabrus kills it every time.


    Was actually kind of looking forward to Kulap weighing in on last week's episode. I presume she has an opinion on the Asians.


    Hope I have at least a little money to kick to Ku before her campaign is over. I'm excited to see the doc.


    Anyway. Loved this.

    • Like 2

  6. Donzoes caught it, but while Snowpiercer didn't involve Gilliam, it's the first English language work of the amazing Bong Joon-ho, and the action film of the summah.


    Loved this episode.


    If Howard does go to the Bei for a time, I'd love to see Harris Wittels guest co-host with Ku.

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