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Posts posted by brandondryrock

  1. I've never run out of likes, it takes more than a mild chuckle to wrest a like out of these gnarled old hands. It takes some real creativity, like a VB-penned sitcom, or a classic MBOP PG Q.


    I have a question for you all: do Sean and/or Hayes have accents?


    I can hear that they have 'American accents' but I guess that's like someone saying 'English accent' to me, in that there are lots of different ones. Can you tell what region they come from?


    Their accent is the American no accent. You can read more here.

  2. I apologize for the following sentences. I do not enjoy the Hollywood Handbook podcast. I find the hosts to be very annoying and unfunny.


    Again, I'm sorry. What was the point of this comment? I don't know. I just find it strange and puzzling that people listen to this podcast and like it. Again. I apologize, and please just overlook this comment and go about your day.


    The end.


    Like Hayes said at the end of the Thomas Middleditch episode, HH isn't supposed to be enjoyable.

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  3. Β 

    I love both of these men and to me it has to be equal. On HH at least, Hayes to me is more sly and crafty, whereas Sean seems to be 'on' a lot of the time. You can't really have one without the other, though. The Bozos 'casts and that web series that Hayes did have opened my eyes a lot to other facets of their personas and let me say I'm lovin it


    Fuck it, this joke failed.


    I should mention my joke, not takehomejoke. Fuck it all.

  4. I've been let down twice in my life. The first time was when my Dad promised that he was going to bring home a copy of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze on VHS, and instead he brought home The Land Before Time because he got spooked by the turtles on the cover.


    The second time is today. I'm not mad at Sean and Hayes, just disappointed.

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