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Posts posted by createtildeath

  1. Super weak burn, bro.

    Yeah, most of her voices sound fairly similar. But the things she says are funny, so no one cares. You could the same thing about Paul Scheer, Lennon Parham, and probably other Earlwolf guests.


    Sure, you can post opinions. But there's a difference between "I found this annoying," and "This was unbearable enough to make me physically ill and violent." It's possible to express your opinion without being an asshole. Dismissing other people's "little feelings" is not a good start.


    Birth name?

    Calm yourself and read other people's posts who truly are assholes. Concern yourself with things that actually matter

  2. More like create terrible posts till death, am I right, gang?


    More like create solid, realistic posts till death sir.

    Am I right, gang?

    By no means a sick burn. A weak burn for sure.

    I love everything about Earlwolf, Comedy Bang Bang, etc. ......... Except for Lauren Lapkus. Every voice of hers is the same.

    Sorry if that hurts your little feelings, but that's my opinion. Pretty sure this is the place to post these opinions, so enjoy Foolio Iglesias

  3. his laughter is fake as a known fact, not a presumption. He does it when someone says something that's not even intended to be funny. It bursts out of nowhere and is totally awkward. You can feel the awkwardness in the other person while they wait to speak while his laughter cackles on. No one laughs at every sentence that someone speaks, at least not genuinely.

  4. Jesus Christ. Pete Holmes ruins anything his absurd fake laugh touches. What the hell.

    The ONLY guest I've ever heard before being introduced on this show in 179 episodes. RUDE!!!

    And of course it's not him chiming in with something interesting to say...It's 5 seconds in, you hear his uproarious fake ridiculous uncalled for laughter. It almost feels like he's mocking people when he laughs like that. Comes off as disresepectful and down right weird. Sorry for the negative comment, but God damn. Please, never again

    • Like 2

  5. Nice wrangle David. I'm sorry to say, but very true, very rude to the guest! There's been a few times where the guest just gets talked over and it becomes a little awkward and frankly annoying. If you're going to have a guest on then let him talk, don't rudely talk over him!!! I love this podcast and I love the hosts, but that is definitely one of my criticisms. Other than keep up the solid work!

    Oh, and please stop the abhorrent harmonies and please continue the punky's. I could listen to a full episode of Name that Punky!!!

  6. Been blasting through this podcast in the last week or so. I LOVE IT!!!


    I'm only 42 episodes in, so maybe this isn't a thing anymore, but the harmonzing thing guys.

    The first time it was actually hilarious because it sounded perfect and was amazing.

    But now every episode ends with the most cringing horrible sound in the world spewing out of Kyle's mouth. Multiple times!!!!

    Please no more. I have to skip the end of episodes, it makes me want to claw my face off.

    Other than that, excellent work guys. Awesome podcast. Cool beer.
