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Everything posted by ajzthisisdumb

  1. goddamn...you truly are a king amongst men. I wish i had my shit together like that
  2. judging by her face Zoe wants no one near her usps large flat rate box either that or she is tired. could go either way
  3. oh shit yeah I guess i forgot it was a lifetime commitment of monthly payments. gonna be a cold winter without heat, but Im gonna have to cut some corners somewhere to maintain my status
  4. how are you a non proversionist greggy? couldve sworn you bought it one week? maybe im crazy.
  5. ugh that sucks. seems very different from what his old comedy central special was, which was just kind of lovable, goofy shit and silly voices (although not annoying, adam sandleresque silly voices)
  6. wait? throw your hat into the ring as liking pablo or being a target of my horny-ness?
  7. unsure if sarcasm or not but i also really really like(d?) Pablo Francisco. I had a VHS tape with his comedy central stand up on it that I watched the shit out of. "YEAH.....IM HORNY." I loved it. Is it cool to hate on PF now?
  8. i looked yesterday for the first time and I was actually surprised how high up in the "rankings" HH was with regards to forum action. Other than the obvious (CBB) we do pretty well
  9. i dont know that any of us believe that
  10. if cody's fridge is filled with hot dogs we will know the truth
  11. and to think--some had doubts yesterday we would hit 250!
  12. this is fantastic--i fell asleep, woke up, went to the forum and there were chief keef references and animals in party hats
  13. I wasnt the biggest fan of her as a guest but ultimately that probably made the show funnier, since S&H had to work a little bit harder to explain the show segments/keep the show moving/etc Nice work brgrho
  14. this is cool can you speak on the first time you met each other? or the first time you met Engineer Cody
  15. wow quite the number of vegetarians on the forums. I have attempted it before and, as I am quite open minded when it comes to food but also quite lazy when it comes to food it has never stuck. tomorrow night i am going on a date (!) with a vegetarian--maybe her influence will help. more likely Ill embarrass myself tomorrow night and end up eating a package of cold hot dogs Slimer style by myself in my kitchen
  16. nothing wrong with being a vegetarian--I wish i had that restraint! and poutine is great except for how I feel like death approximately 2 minutes after consuming it
  17. yeah Im spent. gonna need a few days to recover after this
  18. yummm poutine...i still have dreams of/clogged arteries from the smoked meat sandwiches I ate in montreal. so good
  19. closed circuit TV footage of said fence kicking/general destruction
  20. Wisconsin has lots of great areas! Being from Milwaukee I am partial to this fine city, but Madison is a really cool college town, and "up north" is pretty great if you are a fan of outdoor recreation (Im not especially--i get freaked out if Im too far from civilization/city noises/an internet connection/etc for very long, but I dont mind a random short camping trip every now and then.) As long as you avoid the area north of milwaukee through the south of green bay which is a stretch of conservative suburban shitholes, I think it is a pretty decent state as far as flyover states go. Sadly, even though Ive traveled quite a bit, other than living in Europe for 3 years Wisconsin life is the only life in America Ive ever lived on a day in/day out basis, so I cant come up with any overly Wisconsiny stories--cheese curds/ridiculous accents/etc have simply become woven into the fabric of who I am, so I dont even really notice them anymore. Do you have any comedic stories involving any foodstuffs?
  21. 250=no problem. We got a random 75 degree day in late october here in Wisconsin so I am sitting on my porch in short sleeves with my laptop listening to music and drinking bourbon. I will gladly engage in (soon to be half drunken) conversation with anyone
  22. did the ghoul have a mouth full of hot dogs? terrifying.
  23. "my close friend", jordan morris you mean