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rat's pine

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Posts posted by rat's pine

  1. Very pleased with the amount of Claudia O'Doherty and Tommy MIDIfile on the countdown, but I must concur there were some snubs and, dare I say, flubs this year.


    Some of my personal fave eps not represented, in no particular order:

    The Timeys Leap Year Celebration, Your Cousin Marvin & You Know John Leguizamo - Neil Campbell is king!!

    The Longest Pig Pile & Pop-Tartender - GINO plus mercilessly mocking Todd Glass and a great Brian Huskey charac

    Hair Take It - Fuck tha haters Cameron & Rhea are amazing and this ep was wall-to-wall riffing. Touch 'em all.

    Get Donk'd & Prayer Orgy - Two decent eps with good first-timer interviews up front & good improv in the back half

    Shut the Fuck Door!, Nasty Lyrics, Master of Horror, The 3 Year Diet, Wisconsin Sugar Babies, Government Pizza, Persons of Interest & This Ain't Now, This is Then - The Bajillion Dollar crew consistently killed it this year, especially Ryan Gaul, Tim Baltz and Drew Tarver

    Doubt About That - dick doubt!

    The Intern Challenge & The Holiday Womptacular - I miss Wompler & Listler :(


    Other random moments:

    Brett Gelman's tirade from Ghost Pets are Liars, Jarles' drop-in during Wishing with The Grawlix, The Apple Tree song, the return of the Washington Monugents and the Monster Fuck freestyle rap reprisal (also started listening to Doughboys this year, which made it all the more magical).


    As the Hulk might say, this was a Banner year for CBB.

    • Like 2

  2. Finally some Gino on the best-of's!


    Time Keeper is by far my all time favourite character, every line is just gold. Neil's Larry the Loner was also maybe the hardest I laughed all year. Are we ever going to get closure on the Order of the Keepers?

    • Like 2

  3. J A R L E S

    So glad I didn't spoil that for myself. Lost it at "Boiga King Bayou." And there's just something so perfect about Willy Mapleton as an undecided voter. Speaking of which the best-of's is gonna be insanely difficult to narrow down this year. As insanely good as this ep was I'm not sure anything will top the apple tree song.

  4. Coming late to these threads is getting more and more awkward. I wish they could go 80+ posts without devolving into shit-slinging because this ep was great. Love it when guests like Kirkman just click with the show right away and give joke answers to joke questions but aren't completely disingenuous. It's a tricky line to ride. Gaul is definitely this years best rookie guest. Not quite as fast as a Gabrus or Lapkus but his stream-of-consciousness style of yes-and-ing via question-dodging and word association is very, very entertaining. Gemberling was funny too, but I totally thought the gag was going to be that the "family reunion" where his grandmother last spoke was actually her funeral and he just didn't get the memo (#cbbyearofdeath).

  5. I think Ming works better as a co-host than a guest, though I did enjoy his bad observational jokes. As for the accent, If you don't dig the character/improv style then yeah it probably won't win you over and that's totally understandable.


    Leesa mattresses: Draug lanoitan eht nioj!

    • Like 2

  6. "Hi I'm Scott Aukerman your wonderful orifice"


    So that video is next level bonkers, the music choice and Todd's unwavering assuredness give it a very strong conspiratorial/cult recruitment vibe. I love it. He just wants to create a laid back environment that has been meticulously pre-planned beat-for-beat. Best part is when he makes such a big deal about the fridge light ruining the atmosphere in the preamble, then during the party he leaves the door wide open for a full 15 seconds and just puts what he took out right back in.


    Great ep also.

    • Like 3

  7. I read that in R. Schrift's voice and accent.

    Holy fuck. I was pretty proud of myself but you took it to a whole other level.


    This was one of those eps that started out kinda low energy, engineer cody sam fucked up and made it weird, then the second guest was ok but when the third guest came suddenly everything clicked and went into overdrive. I remember Gaul's last appearance (The 3 Year Diet) was exactly like that too.

    • Like 1

  8. Anyone notice how the supposedly unoffended seem to write the whiniest forum posts? Just an observation.


    Anyway Dana was solid and Scott was clearly thrilled to have him. Anything he said that could be construed as over the line was almost immediately dialed back with some self-aware acknowledgement. Was a little disappointed when Gemberling didn't yes and the Little Button Puss animated short, maybe it was a bit foisted upon him but its rare to see famous first timers come up with premises like that. Overall everyone really seemed to jive together even though Tarver jumped in way too late. C+-

  9. The Keg is definitely the Murdoch Mysteries of steakhouses.

    Gonna keep doing this because its fun for me and I know there's like 4 other Canadians on the boards:

    Tim Hortons is like Kids in the Hall - ubiquitous, unapologetically Canadian, kinda cheap but always brings back good memories

    Harvey's is like Relic Hunter - Some people swear it's good but I can't remember ever enjoying it

    Smoke's Poutine is like Just For Laughs Gags - Novel at first but gets less enjoyable each time. Should've never left Quebec.

    Hero Burger is like every new CBC show - Seemed like it was everywhere for a minute then suddenly vanished because nobody actually wanted it


    Okay I'm done now not trying to pitch a Canadian version of Doughboys (or am I?). And btw buying Trix at Target, nearly impossible here (unless you take a time machine back to April 2015). Anyway this ep only really got good once the third guest arrived. Great round of What Would You Rather Do.

    • Like 5

  10. This ep was the podcast equivalent of zoning out to Law & Order. The oligarch's "bigger names" bit and the Russian Earwolf parodies were solid but they played out exactly as expected. Maybe I'm just in a funk, but I skipped all the songs and ads and then Scott bailed on WYR so it felt like the whole show was only 20 minutes of friendly chit-chat. Perfectly serviceable but left me wanting more.



    *chiller font*




    Auntmayciated and all the other marvel references killed me. Probably my fave Time Bobby ep since the original; way more laid back, almost like a Solo Bolo, but still had a really entertaining narrative thread (pun intended) that wasn't too convoluted.
