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rat's pine

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Posts posted by rat's pine

  1. Middleditch went all in.


    He went Fullditch.


    Also the whole point of the China calls is that they are absolutely offensive and it makes Kumail uncomfortable. That's where the comedic tension comes from. Without Kumail being offended the bit wouldn't really work. Same reason for bringing up Gillian Anderson's PJ's.

    • Like 4

  2. I am truly at a loss for words. This is amazing.


    You know what LegalZoom? You've been arooound...


    Thank god someone else heard it.


    Gino is the mvp of the unnoticed joke

    Scott: "We don't search anyone for weapons coming into the building"

    Gino: "Thank God.."

    So curious as to where that was going.


    Also I think Sem-Dogs would be a good name for a high school basketball team. Go Sem-Dogs! Dogpile! (one of my favorite old search engines)

    • Like 2

  3. I can't believe you guys just define Cameron as a lesbian comedian. She's a lesbian COMIC. I'm tired of all the job title shaming in this thread.



    This episode was good. Honestly my only complaint would be how PFT and Gourley steered things in a direction pretty similar to their last canonical appearance i.e. Stealwater appears unbeknownst to JW, blows his cover, then escapes in a convoluted way. Richard Harrow was a welcome bbbonus, but whatever happened to the League of Keepers or whatever it was called?

    • Like 1

  4. I thought it was a decepisode, especially considering CBB has kind of been on a roll lately. The man brat thing felt a lot like an after 12:30 SNL sketch. Always seems like these two go in with the vaguest possible idea and because of that they either strike gold or tread water. But c'mon guys, Air Jordan as an airline and "Hair or Win" were brilliant, as well as Taran goading Scott with Wayne Knnght's weight.


    And that plugs theme was sick as fuck.

    • Like 9

  5. Was expecting PFT to launch into character when Santa was mentioned. Probably wise not to considering the number of guests but still.


    To echo others, Oliver & Williger were like George & Gil + The Calvins Twins/ The Bachelor Bros. Something about cantankerous old duos and weird kissing siblings just seems to work for this show (and it is that kind of show).

    • Like 3

  6. Alaska is the 2nd state alphabetically. My mind is blown.


    Also not sure what I'm happier for: the return of Todd or the return of Engineer Cody Cody's fuck ups.


    Also also was very amused by the generational gap between Scott & Lauren's interpretations of "yellow face with sunglasses"

    • Like 2

  7. If we're talking snubs and flubs Tick Tock Clawk with Time Keeper and Paul Rust's old yes-yes's was one of my faves. Since they both work at repair shops based in Florida I desperately want to hear Time Keeper cross paths with JW Stillwater in 2016.


    Called it y'all

    • Like 2

  8. Wow what an ep. lots to unpack.


    So at some point New No-No's just became Paul's Foam Corner and honestly I couldn't be happier.


    Was genuinely shocked and impressed when Alan Thicke (R2D2Soon) name dropped Kirkland Lake of all places BUT locally people usually pronounce "Toronto" like "Tronno," and I won't even get into the whole about/aboot debacle.


    Also for a second Gilly's Mogwai sounded like Ho Ho (dare I say, a New Ho-Ho!?!)


    Overall the dynamic of Scott giving Paul shit, PFT giving Scott shit, Gilly giving PFT shit and everyone giving Gilly shit was just perfect. So many tangential spur-of-the-moment bits/callbacks and so little letting anything slide.



    • Like 7

  9. If we're talking snubs and flubs Tick Tock Clawk with Time Keeper and Paul Rust's old yes-yes's was one of my faves. Since they both work at repair shops based in Florida I desperately want to hear Time Keeper cross paths with JW Stillwater in 2016.


    Also I noticed a pattern with Paul Brittain and Claudia O'Doherty's appearances, where they both had amazing eps in 2014 (Tony Macaroni/The Calvins Twins), snubbed eps in 2015 (Romantic Tommy D/Shifting Bouncy) as well as very disappointing/awkward eps (Snow Dome/Banging the Table). Just my take, no need to dwell on the negative but those stuck out in an otherwise C+ year.
