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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    The General

    But, like, an honest to God motion picture and not just masturbatory propaganda? I mean, maaaaaaaaybe...but I feel like it would definitely get more heat than The General probably got.
  2. Cameron H.

    The General

    I felt like Keaton should have broke the fourth wall there and a title card reading "Women always be sweepin'" should have popped up.
  3. Cameron H.

    The General

    I mean, getting shot and killed for cowardice is definitely a thing. Were people judged by civilians for not fighting? I don't really know, but if you were young and healthy, I can imagine you probably were. In her case, both her father and her brother jump at the chance to enlist for "The Cause" and here's this guy who - for all she knows - is like, "No, it's cool. I'm not going to fight to protect my country. They can burn it to the ground for all I care."
  4. Cameron H.

    The General

    I'm basically going to echo everyone else and say, I thought the General was fine, but it really didn't move me in any way. I've said this before, but prior to Unspooled, I was doing my own personal journey through the AFI 100, and while I haven't seen every silent film on the list, for me, The General ranks below Sunrise and above Intolerance (3 HOURS, guys!) I would also add my voice to the chorus of people who cannot abide Old Hollywood's hard-on for the South.* Like Amy said, The General was made only 60 years after the war. I mean, WW II was 73 years ago and I can't imagine anyone greenlighting a romantic-adventure-comedy featuring a Nazi where the Allies are portrayed as the bad guys. I guess Keaton felt like the South should be the heroes because that's around the time when all of those "historical" Confederate statues were going up. I'm not saying that Keaton himself was racist, but maybe he was riding on the crest of a racist wave. (Eventually, we'll be getting to The Searchers where a Union cavalry man is the butt of all the jokes. They make fun of how stupid he is and how cowardly the Union was, but it's like, bro, you lost to them so I guess that makes you dumber still, huh?) The only pass I might give, and I haven't see it in a while, is to Gone With the Wind. I think that's an important movie because, while it does glorify the South, it also gives a unique perspective of what life would have been like at the time for the landed gentry. I guess I feel like it has more to offer than just: "The South rules, the Union drools." *I live in the South.
  5. Cameron H.

    The General

    I didn't really have a problem with that simply because that was a thing. If you didn't enlist, it meant you were a coward. Different war, but isn't that what Four Feathers is about?
  6. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 43 Piya Behrupiya

    Yeah, I watched the ‘96 version just before watching this. And I can tell you, the contrast between the two didn’t do Piya any favors. And I agree with you about it not being daring, aside from the Looney Toons sound effects, it was like a Cliff’s Notes version of the play.
  7. Cameron H.

    Episode 192.5 - Minisode 192.5

    'twas a joke, my man.
  8. Cameron H.

    Episode 192.5 - Minisode 192.5

    Sexually speaking, Meatloaf is strictly meat and potatoes.
  9. Cameron H.

    Episode 192.5 - Minisode 192.5

    You all have fantastic taste in music
  10. Cameron H.

    Episode 192.5 - Minisode 192.5

    When they called you old men, I hope you told them you “won’t go for that (no can do).”
  11. Cameron H.

    Episode 192.5 - Minisode 192.5

    I was just using iTunes as a “for example.”
  12. Cameron H.

    Episode 192.5 - Minisode 192.5

    I wish you weren't. I'd like to imagine your co-workers thinking you're slowly going insane. "I don't know, Beth...She just sits there listening to 'Pompeii' over and over. I'm scared..." Then when they look over at you, you should just be staring at them.
  13. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 43 Piya Behrupiya

    I don't have much to say about that either
  14. Cameron H.

    Episode 192.5 - Minisode 192.5

    Here are mine! 1) 2) - Staple Singers 3) " - Tevin Campbell4) " " - Bad Religion 5) " " Have Gun, Will Travel6) Cub7) " " English Beat8) " " Weezer9) " Stereo MCs10) " " The Beatles
  15. Cameron H.

    Episode 192.5 - Minisode 192.5

    In honor of our Musical Movie this week, I thought it a great time to being back... EDI'S JUKEBOX! If you don't remember how to play, the idea is to cast as broad a net you can for music (e.g. in iTunes select "Songs" instead of a specific playlst) and tell us what were the last ten songs you listened to all the way through. Even if there is only a second left, if you track forward, it doesn't count. Also, no trying to look "cool." Don't skip songs just because you want/don't want us to know you listened to them. The fun part is being honest. What songs are you feeling today? Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing what you all are listening to! (I think those were all the rules. If there are any I'm forgetting please feel free to add them.)
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 192.5 - Minisode 192.5

    For anyone else experiencing this, I ended up getting myself avatar back by just re-cropping the photo.
  17. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 43 Piya Behrupiya

    I really don't think you need to. I never watch my picks first. I think part of the fun is the discovery.
  18. Cameron H.

    Upcoming Episodes

    Just FYI: The General (and most of the silent films on the list) are on YouTube in their entirety.
  19. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 43 Piya Behrupiya

    Andrew Aguecheek (read: sick face) is really just another suitor for Olivia. He just adds an additional wrench in the works since she’s already being pursued by Orsino, Malvolio, and (sort of) Cesario. He doesn’t really “learn” or “grow” or anything and is there primarily for comedic relief and for Sebastian to beat him up. If you haven’t already, you should all check out the 1996 version of Twelfth Night. I’d almost consider it a Musical in its own right. ETA: “ague” honestly has more to do with shivering so it’s probably more of a comment on his cowardice - or both. Either way, I like Andrew Sickface.
  20. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 43 Piya Behrupiya

    Here’s the thing... I thought it was an admirable attempt, but ultimately, Pita really didn’t work for me. It’s biggest crime, for me, is it was really pretty boring. I liked the costumes and I thought the actors were charming, but it was missing a spark that made it resonate on either a comedic or emotional level. That being said, the troupe looked like they were having an absolute blast and that was nice.
  21. Cameron H.

    Episode 192.5 - Minisode 192.5

    I'm experiencing something similar. Since the "update," my avatar no longer appears on my phone. It's fine everywhere else, though.
  22. Cameron H.


    The truth is: Neil is a gift I don’t deserve.
  23. Cameron H.

    Episode 192.5 - Minisode 192.5

    Way to manchago, Trip! The more the merrier. Inclusion is something that's Paneer and dear to my heart.
  24. Cameron H.

    Episode 192.5 - Minisode 192.5

    I just wanted to clear the Gruyère and admit that these puns are starting to become a real Muenster.
  25. Cameron H.


    Neil Gaiman is overrated. (Ugh, I feel dirty. I apologize. I feel like I have to clap my hands and yell “I do believe in Marquis de Carabas.”