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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 42 Blues Brothers

    Seeing Toys R Us made me a little sad... I really wish they had decided to stay open but scale down to the size shown in the movie. I still think there’s a market for a brick and mortar toy store. P.S. I worked at Toys R Us for a year or so in college. It was a lot of fun.
  2. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 42 Blues Brothers

    Can I say something that might be a bit controversial? I’m not really a fan of “comedies.” That’s not to say there aren’t comedies that I like, but it’s probably the genre I gravitate to the least. I think it’s because Comedy is a bit of a tightrope walk. One bad joke can ruin an entire movie, but one good joke won’t make it good. Comedies are also difficult to sit through when they’re bad. There can still be enjoyment found when you watch a bad action movie, but a bad comedy is unwatchable. I think our experience with HDTGM Classics bears this out. The comedies have been the hardest to sit through.
  3. Cameron H.

    Episode 191.5 - Minisode 191.5

    I agree with both you and Sy. They started off strong, but I haven’t watched a Season all the way through since The Defenders (and I believe that was only 8 episodes). Like Sy said, it’s time I could be using to be watching/doing something else. Maybe if they get interesting again, but I feel like it’s just more of the same tire kicking crap.
  4. Cameron H.

    Episode 191.5 - Minisode 191.5

    That sounds like something the “Jason of the group” might do. Do we really need to remind people not yell crazy shit at people they don’t know? Why the fuck would she remember an off-the-cuff joke she made, like, two years ago?
  5. Cameron H.

    2001: A Space Odyssey

    iTunes is having a sale on "Classic American Stories." All the movies below are currently $10 or less. I also included movies from the 1998 list if anyone is interested. Forest Gump Saving Private Ryan Rocky American Graffiti Yankee Doodle Dandy All the President's Men Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Do the Right Thing Mr. Smith Goes to Washington Easy Rider Nashville The Last Picture Show ET The Philadelphia Story The French Connection Apocalypse Now Jaws 1998 List Dances With Wolves Giant Patton Mutiny on the Bounty Doctor Zhivago The Third Man
  6. Cameron H.

    Listener Rankings

    We continue to be perfectly in sync
  7. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 42 Blues Brothers

    I’m impressed with Donald “Duck” Dunn’s ability to smoke a pipe and play bass. I used to smoke when I was in a band (also bass) and smoking and playing was super difficult.
  8. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 42 Blues Brothers

    I guess my thing is, "Saving the Orphanage" is a pretty well-worn trope. I mean, it's a good one - which is why it's a trope - but it's not exactly original. Even the idea of outlaws fighting for justice for the less fortunate is really just the legend of Robin Hood. I guess I feel like the only thing that sets B Bros apart is the music, which is (admittedly) pretty fantastic, but otherwise, for me, it doesn't really stand out.
  9. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 42 Blues Brothers

    What about them make you want to hang with them? What do they represent to you? Is it their stoicism? ETA: WE PICKED THE SAME QUOTE!
  10. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 42 Blues Brothers

    I hate to be “that guy,” but while I liked B Bros just fine, my mind wasn’t, like, blown away or anything. I liked the music and the cameos, but for the most part, I found it kind of slow. For me, it was the type of movie that you enjoy with a quiet smile, but aside from the occasional chuckle, it never really rises above that. Don’t get me wrong - I liked it, and I’d for sure watch it again, but I’d love to hear what makes it so beloved by so many.
  11. Cameron H.

    2001: A Space Odyssey

    Just FYI: http://forum.earwolf.com/topic/55328-important-forum-to-be-updated-742018/page__pid__281532#entry281532
  12. Cameron H.

    Episode 191.5 - Minisode 191.5

    Just FYI: http://forum.earwolf.com/topic/55328-important-forum-to-be-updated-742018/page__pid__281532#entry281532
  13. Cameron H.

    2001: A Space Odyssey

    Does anyone else ever get a little disappointed when talking about movies that are (more or less) universally well-liked or reviled? Personally, for the sake of conversation, I prefer movies that occupy a kind of gray area...
  14. Cameron H.

    Episode 191.5 - Minisode 191.5

    Yay! I get to watch Beastly again! #Hunterishotter ETA: I’m really excited about a lot of these announcements
  15. Cameron H.

    2001: A Space Odyssey

    That doesn’t mean he’s not cute - just evil.
  16. Cameron H.

    2001: A Space Odyssey

    Are you kidding? It looks like a dopey, cartoon dinosaur. Adorable.
  17. Cameron H.

    2001: A Space Odyssey

    Is it me or is this the happiest damn ship you’ve ever seen? Of course, when it lands, it appears far more sinister...
  18. Cameron H.

    2001: A Space Odyssey

    This was my second time watching 2001 (twice this year, no less), and while I wouldn’t presume to attempt an interpretation of the movie, I was struck by how much this movie is driven by fear. Specifically, fear of the unknown and the ineffability of death. It’s almost if the movie is making the argument that fear, and not necessity, is the Mother of Invention. Everyone in the movie is afraid - the apes, the astronauts, HAL, etc. In trying to prevent a panic, Heywood stokes more fear by being tight-lipped about what’s actually happening on Clavius. To keep Dave, Frank, and the sleeping astronauts under control, they weren’t even going to tell them what their “true” mission is until they arrive at Jupiter. However, fear seems to inspire innovation. The monolith doesn’t even appear until after the leopard attacks and kills one of the apes. Up until then, they were living an idyllic little life among their tapir buds. When the monolith appears, they approach it fearfully, literally just scratching its surface. Afterwards, the Bone Ape gets his inspiration, not just to make a physical weapon, but how to use the fear it generates as a weapon in and of itself. Basically, the leopard kills an ape, the apes become afraid of death, Bone Ape creates a weapon, the fear of weapon keep the other apes under his control. And it is this fear that will inspire mankind to evolve. Fear of Bone Ape will inspire Ax Ape; Ax Ape will inspire Arrow Ape, and so on. This progression is what we see play out when the bone turns into the Space Station. (Or, as The Simpsons put it, “That board with a nail in it may have defeated us, but the humans won't stop there. They'll make bigger boards and bigger nails. Soon they'll make a board with a nail so big it will destroy them all!“) Similar to the apes, when we catch up with humanity, they are living their own idyllic, tapir-friend existence. For instance, despite being filmed at the height of the Cold War, we see Russians and Americans living in harmony. However, despite all our advances, there is still this looming specter of death and fear of the unknown (the moon monolith) that propels us onward - this time to Jupiter. At the end of the Second Act, Dave is presented with a choice. Upon learning of what they were actually sent out there to do, he goes on with the mission. He could have aborted - he probably should have aborted - but he’s driven onward. In other words, he’s not allowing himself to be governed by fear. And when he arrives, all he finds is himself. There’s an interesting trajectory at the end where Dave sees himself eating and then becomes that version of himself. He then sees himself infirm and he becomes that. Finally, he’s faced with the monolith and you have to almost assume that this is him, as well. That he too is this unknowable object. It’s seems important to me that, unlike the apes, Dave doesn’t seem to be reaching out to the monolith in fear. He is almost pleading with it. To me, this suggests that once humanity can accept that some things are simply unknowable, we will cease to fear them. And once we can do that, we can escape the cycle of innovation based out of fear - which, as the movie depicts, has never really turned out that well. Therefore, to me, The Star Baby represents optimism. The movie begins with death and ends with birth. It’s a second chance for humanity to do it right. It’s asking us, “Think of all these things we’ve invented because we were afraid. Just imagine what we could a do if we turned out focus toward promoting life?” Anyway...I’m sure none of that makes any sense.
  19. Cameron H.

    2001: A Space Odyssey

    Not the best quality, but still...
  20. Never trust the Internet
  21. Crank 2 is currently on Amazon Prime. Anyone who has that should be able to host.
  22. So...her Aunt inspired a love of classic movies but she’s never seen Rebel Without a Cause? We watched:
  23. In the immortal words of Third Eye Blind, “How’s it gonna be..?”
  24. Holy cabooses! We watched...