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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Listener Rankings

    I finally settled on Titanic after Ben-Hur. When it came down to it, if someone made me choose between the two, I feel like Ben-Hur has more to say, and is therefore, more deserving.
  2. Cameron H.

    Listener Rankings

    Like everyone else, I’m pretty much going by my gut, but I may look at that stuff for difficult decisions. Right now, my picks are kind of divided into movies I feel deserve to be on the list (even if their positions eventually change), movies I can go either way with, and movies I don’t think belong there at all. Titanic kind of straddles that apathetic/needs to go line for me. It’s definitely above Swing Time, but is it above Ben-Hur? I’m not sure. And what makes it more difficult, is that have a lot in common. They are both epics; they both had a huge cultural impact; and they both suffer from poor acting (the dialogue is probably better in Ben-Hur, though) If I’m being honest, I probably enjoyed watching Titanic more...but it was in kind of an ironic way. (I rolled my eyes A LOT). So I don’t know. I’ll probably have to listen to the episode and discuss it with you all before I make my final decision.
  3. Hey all! I just wanted to get this out there and see if we can work out dates for June. Do you guys want to do it this Friday or next? Personally, this Friday is better for me (I’ll be on vacation next weekend :)/>), but whatever’s best with the majority is cool. Also, I may not be available next month if you guys want to do it on the 6th since that’s my son’s birthday weekend. That’s totally cool, though, as I think that month is Crank and I’m not in any rush to re-watch that; however, I know a few of you really like it, so that might kind of work out. Let me know what you guys want to do!
  4. Cameron H.

    The French Connection

    AFI Movies Currently On-sale on iTunes (in HD)! I feel like this one is available to stream quite often, but iTunes just put Rocky on sale for 7.99.
  5. Cameron H.

    Listener Rankings

    You can just copy mine, bro (because it’s the only one that’s right)
  6. Cameron H.

    Listener Rankings

    Don’t you mean “join the UnsPOOLed?”
  7. Cameron H.

    Listener Rankings

    ^^^ This. Visually it’s great. It’s amazingly well-researched. The ship is sinking now, and it’s exciting. But it’s obvious Cameron cares more about the ship itself than the characters or their dialogue.
  8. Cameron H.

    Listener Rankings

    I’m not going to get too into it before the ep, but my “so bad” comment was hyperbole. Obviously, it’s not the worst thing ever - it’s an extremely watchable movie. That doesn’t mean it’s a “good” movie either. My Blue Heaven is a watchable movie, but I wouldn’t lobby for it to be on the AFI 100. Honestly, even with only six movies, it probably won’t even be the lowest movie on my list. That being said, it’s got flaws...
  9. Cameron H.

    Listener Rankings

  10. Cameron H.

    Listener Rankings

    (It’s so bad...)
  11. Cameron H.

    Listener Rankings

    2nd time. Honestly, this might as well be a HDTGM movie for the amount of issues I’m having with it.
  12. Cameron H.

    Listener Rankings

    Only halfway through, but it’s not looking good for Titanic...
  13. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 41 Hello, Dolly!

    Wow. I’m sure it was a two-way street, but I think I’d be pretty pissed if I were an Oscar-winning actor and some newb asked the director to give me a line read. I mean, daaaaaaamn...
  14. Cameron H.

    The French Connection

    AFI Movies Currently On-sale on iTunes (in HD)! iTunes just added Tootsie for 4.99 for anyone interested
  15. Cameron H.

    The French Connection

    I’m excited about Obscure, as well! I haven’t listened yet, but that’s right up my alley.
  16. Cameron H.

    The French Connection

    If you don't mind me asking, how did you discover IWTT first? It's interesting that you discovered a WolfPop (RIP) show before an EarWolf show. Also, I kind of miss WolfPop. They had some really unique shows at launch. I know some of them (like IWTT and The Canon) are still around, but still... And, not to be a complete shill for Paul, but I particularly miss The Sylvester Stallone Podcast. That show was nothing but 10 minutes of daily joy! Paul even read one of my (non-sanctioned) Audible ad reads in an episode! I'm sure it's still enjoyable if you binge it, but having it unfold everyday was a lot of fun. I enjoyed being a part of the discussion on the forums, too. I think this group would have gotten a kick out of it.
  17. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 41 Hello, Dolly!

    Oh man, while I was watching I was picturing you as Cornelius. I was so close!
  18. Cameron H.

    The French Connection

    As we’re all showing I Was There Too love, Paul’s Meet Dave episode really is fantastic. And I’m not just saying that because he co-hosts Unspooled.
  19. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 41 Hello, Dolly!

    OMG, guys! The Canon is doing Tommy next week lol
  20. Cameron H.

    Upcoming Episodes

    They post it on Twitter.
  21. Cameron H.

    The French Connection

    It’s been touched upon already, but another thing in The French Connection that really didn’t work for me was the opening scene. I can’t help but think how much stronger the opening would have been if it had just began with the Santa Claus Shakedown. That scene is just so kinetic. As it stands, the French opening doesn’t really add much, and in my wholly unresearched opinion, screams of studio interference. Knowing that the studio wasn’t sold on the film’s title, I feel like some compromise must have been struck where it could be called The French Connection, but in order not to confuse the audience, it has to start in France. I also think that scene is there to establish that Charnier is a bad dude. Granted, he’s not in the scene, but it at least implicitly shows that his character is willing to have someone killed. Otherwise, the movie starts off with a couple of stupid, brutal cops and then cuts to a sympathetic French man who worked his way up from the docks and is a compassionate father and partner. I feel like the studio was like, “Yeah, I get that it’s supposed to be morally ambiguous, but we can’t have the audience siding with the drug dealer over the cops. Have him kill someone: French-style.”
  22. Cameron H.

    Episode 190.5 - Minisode 190.5

    Happy Father's Day to Paul and all the other HDTGM Daddies!
  23. Cameron H.

    Episode 190.5 - Minisode 190.5

    I watched Freewheelin’ a couple months ago. It’s (kind of) a documentary so I don’t know if it would be great for HDTGM, but everyone should definitely watch it. “It’s kind of like Endless Summer for skateboarding - except everything sucks and it makes you want to die” - Cameron H
  24. Well, maybe that’s what you get for going to your “important work function” instead of thinking of us