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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Oh, they are undoubtedly pop-punk. I was saying there are different tiers of pop-punk. The music they’re peddling is less about a philosophy and more about being famous. I’m less interested in the glossy, over-produced version that Josie represents. And, yes, like all subcultures, people define their “thing” in different ways. It’s like Christianity. It’s one religion with different denominations. My personal experience was one of acceptance and encouragement, though.
  2. Cameron H.

    Citizen Kane

    Oh, I have questions about a few of the movies on these lists. The Sixth Sense? Really?
  3. See, for me, Rosario and Rachel were too similar. At least Tara was the silly, hippie. What sets Josie and Val apart? I don’t know, I think I would have just liked to see everyone have more fun. Like, even if you’re not successful, being in a band should be fun. I would have loved to see them rock out at the bowling alley instead of watching them complain about how no one was watching and how little they got paid. They seem more focused on being famous than on the music, and then when they actually do become famous, they don’t really enjoy that either.
  4. Maybe “edgy” was the wrong word. Maybe “more polished” or “glossy.” All of the songs I posted (save maybe “Basket Case”) are all about the the same things you’re saying Josie is singing about. I think there’s a difference between trying to write a good song and a “hit” song though. The minute she sings that she’s a “punk rock beauty queen” or whatever, it sets my teeth on edge. Also, I know you’re joking, but volunteering at a soup kitchen, working hard, etc. can absolutely still be punk rock. I was in a punk band and played for my church’s praise band. Punk, for me, is just expressing yourself honestly and accepting people for their differences.
  5. I agree. I actually like pop-punk, but not all pop punk is created equal, y’know? You have bands like The Mr T Experience, Screeching Weasel, and Pansy Division - who were kind of underground - you have your Green Days and Blink 182s - who were inspired by those bands, came up from the underground, and became commercially successful - and you have your bands that existed *because* of Green Day and Blink 182s success. I’m talking bands like, SR-71, New Found Glory, and Lit. It’s not that they’re “bad” or “fake” exactly, but more that they were formed to capitalize on the pop-punk fad. Josie definitely falls into the SR-71 group. It’s overly produced pap, that’s, at best, pretend edgy. Of course, that’s kind of perfect for this type of movie, but it’s also puts it out of reach of something I’m interested in. This is going to take two posts, but this is kind of what I’m talking about:
  6. Cameron H.

    Citizen Kane

    Sierra Madre was really, really good. Intolerance made me want to throw my laptop out of a window.
  7. I totally get that. I mean, I love Captain Ron. I shouldn’t, but I do.
  8. I think the joke that made me laugh was the "Thank God I knew all of the lyrics to 'Enter Sandman.'" But even then, I don't think Metallica fans would just beat up a boy band. It just seemed dumb. It's not even like Metallica is a super hardcore Metal band. They're fucking Metallica. They're like the N*Sync of Metal music.
  9. Guuuuuuuuuuuys...I really didn't like this movie. Usually I'm a sucker for these types of movies, but this just didn't work for me at all. The cheesy pop-punk, the dumb jokes, the clichéd story, I was resistant to all of it. I remember laughing exactly one time, and I honestly can't remember what the joke was that made me chuckle. I had no connection with the characters. Both Josie and Val are an absolute drag. These are supposed to be musicians and it's like they never let loose. There was a song that they were singing where Josie kind of did this rock nod thing that looked painful to watch. There was absolutely no swagger in anything they were doing. The movie keeps telling us how cool these women are, but I never actually see it. Even the concert scene are boring. At least School of Rock gave us some rock slides, kicks, and jumps. This movie is just stand in front of the microphone and sing. Within a minute, I basically mapped out the entire plot and just watched as, piece by piece, everything fell into place. And I'm not saying that even good movies aren't sometimes predictable or formulaic, but usually they can bring something new to the table to make you forget about all of that. I mean, I'm glad I saw it, but for the life of me, I really don't get why everyone seems to like it so much.
  10. Cameron H.

    Citizen Kane

    I had watched all the sequels first, too. I would argue that they are definitely "fun" movies, the original is legit great. I haven't seen Ben-Hur yet (I have, however, seen the one that came out last year), so I'm looking forward to that. I just saw Lawrence of Arabia last year, and it was freaking incredible.
  11. Cameron H.

    Citizen Kane

    I haven’t seen seen Yankee Doodle Dandy, either. I was going to pick it for Musical Mondays but went with Blue Hawaii instead. I failed us both...
  12. Cameron H.

    Citizen Kane

    Out of curiosity, where is everyone at with the AFI list? Currently, I’m at 74 on the 1998 list and 81 on the 10th Anniversary list.
  13. Cameron H.

    Citizen Kane

    I think I’m going to try to do this as often as I can for these movies. Fortunately, here’s one already done for me http://youtu.be/u0ogS9t0YkQ
  14. Cameron H.

    Citizen Kane

    I know that not everyone follows Amy and Paul on Twitter, so I thought I would embed this video here for possible discussion. The original Tweet was curtesy of @AnatheHated (Thanks, Ana!)
  15. Cameron H.

    Citizen Kane

    It’s a weird formatting thing. If you edit and remove all the bracketed items, it should fix it up
  16. Cameron H.

    Citizen Kane

    I haven’t listened yet, but I’m looking forward to this! I can’t wait to revisit Citizen Kane!
  17. Cameron H.

    Episode 188 - Body Rock: LIVE!

    I assure you, that was completely unintentional.
  18. Cameron H.

    Episode 188 - Body Rock: LIVE!

    I just wanted to say, that I am 100% with Jason regarding the uselessness of YouTube captioning. A monkey farting on a keyboard would be more accurate. For example, in this movie, "throwing some crates around" became "touring Creed around." For most of the rest of the movie, all I could even think about was: Ain't nobody need to be in that headspace. I think my favorite YouTube captions moment was when I watch Lawrence Olivier's version of Othello. That's when: "And little blessed with the soft phrase of peace, For since these arms of mine had seven years' pith, Till now some nine moons wasted, they have used Their dearest action in the tented field, And little of this great world can I speak, More than pertains to feats of broils and battle," became: "And little rest of the software is a piece, for since these arms of mine at seven years pistol, ..now some nine months wasted, they have used Their dearest action in the tented field, And little of this great world can I speak, more than pertains to pizza broils..." (Yes, I saved my transcript )
  19. Cameron H.

    Episode 188 - Body Rock: LIVE!

    I know that most of the focus so far has been on what a piece of crap Chilly D is, and I totally get that. For the majority of the movie he really isn't much more than a roast beef stealing, shit-weasel. However, I would like to come to his defense for a second. From the beginning, Chilly is the only person in the crew that had any faith in Body Rock. He has vision that the other members lack. When EZ punks out, Chilly barges into that dudes office by himself and basically demands an audition. If it were up to Body Rock, they'd just be dicking around Rhythm Nation forever, popping-and-locking for pennies. We can say all day that Chilly was being selfish shithead, and that's true to some degree, but honestly, EZ and the rest of Body Rock were being just as - if not more - shady. For example, EZ doesn't encourage Chilly to take that gig because that's what would be in Chilly's best interest. No, after letting Chilly take all the risks, he wants to use Chilly as their magical nepotism gnome to grant them fame and fortune. That's fucked up. You had your shot, bro, and you blew it. You were found wanting. Why is it Chilly's responsibility to take care of your no-talent ass? EZ and the crew just come off as a bunch of pissy crybabies because they can't ride Chilly's coattails, but think of it from Chilly's perspective. He's gone from the emcee of this tiny nothing of club to the hottest club in New York City. I'm absolutely certain he intended to bring his friends over, but now, he's got a whole new talent pool. He's in the big leagues. Luigi Wigglearms might have been a dope-ass dancer for Rhythm Nation, but how does he stack up against the best breakers in the city? Chilly has a responsibility to make his new club successful, and let's be honest, he can't do that with subpar dancers and rappers who rap off-beat. Body Rock only taught him skills so they could use him to get ahead. (Well, all except for Magic, that is. But Chilly paid cold hard cash for those lessons. And, I might add, he got a great deal!) Chilly took the initiative. Chilly learned the moves. Chilly is the only go-getter among them. Bottom Line: Chilly D doesn't owe Body Rock shit.
  20. Cameron H.

    Episode 188 - Body Rock: LIVE!

    I know June mentioned how it was the least Chilly could do to put Body Rock on the guest list to get in the club, and I completely agree with her, but I would just like to point out, the bouncer wasn’t just denying them entrance for shits-and-giggles. He just wasn’t letting them in “for free.” When he denies them entry, one of the Body Rockers says, “You let me inside. I find Chilly. I bring him out, and he can straighten the whole thing out.” To which the bouncer replies, “If you want to go inside, you’ll have to pay the $15 bucks.” I mean, shit, he wasn’t even asking them to get back in line. Afterward, one of them asks, “Did anyone call Chilly to make sure we were on the list?” And someone else replies, “I couldn’t get in touch with him...” You mean to tell me, you just showed up - unannounced - to the hottest nightclub in town - without invitation - and have the freaking gall to give the bouncer, a guy just doing fucking his job, a hard time? Just pay the $15 dollars you pissy little moochers! Go inside and straighten it out with your boy; otherwise, go hit the fucking bricks.
  21. Cameron H.

    Episode 188 - Body Rock: LIVE!

    I think this was brought up in the episode too, but none of the members of Body Rock actually do “magic.” I think the confusion is, after the scene where Chilly gets them the audition, EZ (the rapper) asks him what they’re going to do to impress the suits. Chilly says: ”You’re the DJ - the scratcher. Jam is the rapper. Magic, Ricky Ricardo, Snake - they’re the breakers!” However, the way he delivers the names of the “breakers,” it sounds like he’s saying, “Magic: Ricky Ricardo” as if “magic” is what Ricky is bringing to the table. It’s just one of the many dangers of choosing a nickname that can be used as both a noun and a verb.
  22. First of all, welcome back Mister Tranch! It’s great to have you back! Also, thank you SlidePocket for creating the thread! I was in the middle of doing burly, manly man things when I suddenly remembered it was Monday and I really wasn’t in a position to create it. (Artist’s Representation) And finally, I’ve never seen this movie. I’m looking forward to it (If only so I don’t have to listen to you nerds geek out over it anymore :)/> )
  23. It’s the kind of movie that makes you ask yourself, “Should I rewind that?” but you never actually do. We watched: